!) Deep appreciation for your very detailed works & knowledge of the contemp Korean POP music... C'est Tre Tre bon !!!
2) Very much sorry this 1st response is all in English as kind of rush at moment... will write in details + Chinese in later responses...
3) Noted mainly posted is really POP pop Korean recent songs & artists ... stunning MTVs w/ a lot of attractive dance move too..
4) Allow me to post another aspect of recent Korean magnificence ...
- I come back this weekend w/ ample time to talk about
a) Brown Eyes
b) Big Mama
c) Gummy
... and some more.
(... concentrating on NOT the POP pop ones as they are flooding the streets ... in fact, for the past 2 years in Seoul, these kind of super-young groups w/ all the sexy dance & move is "too much saturated" & their Seoul audience < Not the other Asia or foreign contries> is slightly diminishing ...)
完全自由 發表於 2011-8-11 11:56
咦! 原來Derek 兄都 like Kara ? 呢個MV 你睇過未, 拍得去地好靚呀!
Thanks. Will check it out at home!
Question : why are people like us who grew up with DM, PSB, Songs of Stock Aiken and Waterman and other groups and singers from the Brit Pop in 80s sudden become totally attracted or carried away and immersed in Kpop - girls groups especially...? I am curious...and wondering ...
Question : why are people like us who grew up with DM, PSB, Songs of Stock Aiken and Waterman and other groups and singers from the Brit Pop in 80s sudden become totally attracted or carried away and immersed in Kpop - girls groups especially...? I am curious...and wondering ...