No, Batman, 是蝙蝠俠 ,是一個大俠。他的助手 Robin 每每在 Batman 有建議時都說『Good thinking Batman』。
英文在稱贊別人有建地時都會說:『Good thinking Batman』。
Urban Dictionary:
Good Thinking Batman 17 up, 2 down
buy good thinking batman mugs, tshirts and magnetsPhrase used to show agreement when someone has a good idea, implying the person has a good idea and if needed can fight crime. we get wasted and enter the party fashionably late and totally wasted then leave before 6am, so we don't have to clean anything up.
Adam: Good thinking Batman
batman bruce wayne alfred robin
No, Batman, 是蝙蝠俠 ,是一個大俠。他的助手 Robin 每每在 Batman 有建議時都說『Good thinking Batman』。
英文在稱贊別人有建地時都會說:『Good thinking Batman』。
Urban Dictionary:
Good Thinking Batman 17 up, 2 down
buy good thinking batman mugs, tshirts and magnetsPhrase used to show agreement when someone has a good idea, implying the person has a good idea and if needed can fight crime. we get wasted and enter the party fashionably late and totally wasted then leave before 6am, so we don't have to clean anything up.
Adam: Good thinking Batman
batman bruce wayne alfred robin
Sorry! I could not make myself understood. My fault.