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發表於 2011-4-14 09:20:06
本帖最後由 AAboss 於 2011-4-14 11:41 編輯
除掉心魔 發表於 2011-4-13 22:46
one question :
最近我想轉部單返機, canon 60D or canon 600D 好D. / 定係再儲多D錢買部7D
thanks ...
Sorry, it is faster for me to answer in English.
It all depends on your budget. Online search shows 600D HK$6,200, 60D HK$7,250, 7D HK$11,100 (all for body only). 7D is 53% more expensive than the 60D. Of course, you pay what you get. Sure the 7D is a better camera amongst the three.
For me, I will seriously consider between 60D & 7D. Bearing in mind, the camera model evolves every 2-3 years on average. We just can't follow it. The 7D is already more than a year in the market now. I think if you need to save money for another 6 months or longer, another new model may come out soon. So the chase for newer model is never ended. You can also take a look of the expert's advice on comparison of Canon EOS 60D vs 550D vs 7D at http://www.digitalrev.com/en/can ... -bucks-6509-article (if the link is not acceptable to 141, 請版主 delete it!).
If you have the need now and the 60D is within your reach (no need to save money), then go for the 60D. But if your loved one is 7D, then save your money for it (hopefully not too long otherwise another new model will come out and you may wish to wait again).
I find I use more of my compact camera now than my SLR because of convenience. Of course, if I need to take pictures more seriously, I will not leave my SLR at home.
Hope it helps.