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[曼谷] 雙飛伊甸俱樂部艱辛報告!

發表於 2011-3-19 20:45:10 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
泰國夜店類別: 大型會所 場所名稱: eden club 網址: 
是次消費: 3000~3999銖 日期: 2011-03-19 消費意見 可以一試 返啅指數: 6/10
近日太忙, 要周圍去, 東面同柬埔寨打, 南面有恐怖份子, 日本又有地震加幅射危機....但都無影響我的探險工作.

這幾天曼谷反常, 氣溫下跌至18度.....今日有時間, 出外探險, 去伊甸園俱樂部(eden club, nana station, soi 1/7), 相信無幾多個兄弟試過.

此會所有規有矩, 唔喜歡閒人入去齋睇女, 而且必定要雙飛(最少兩件), 最出名係黃線左係a-level (肛交), 右係正常, 可以玩玩具, 表演, 制服, ....亦傳說不滿意, 不收錢.

開門入去, 酒吧檯的鬼佬經理招呼我, 佢叫米奇, 好客氣同我講佢地的規矩, TB37xx個半小時全包, 叫我先飲啤酒, 慢慢嘆, 覺得okay時才叫女排隊畀我揀.

良久, 約十多條女出來, 左面地獄右面天堂, 所以揀了一件天使, 一件地獄判官.

天使5'5", 話剛第二日上班, 唔太識做又不太識講英文, 名字叫FON(意: 雨), 我覺得佢好正, 件判官英文好好, 但我對佢無甚興趣...不太想同佢溝通.

上房先來三人企缸浴; 天使好勤力, 身材幾好, 可以做av主角, 判官背後有隻大老虎紋身, 經常老點天使做這做那; 但我係主人, 我話事.

浴後躺在床上, 判官毒龍, 天使吹奏, 我就一面摸天使雙乳, 眼看天花板的鏡, 看看自己多墮落, 真係不知羞恥, 為了探險提供資訊, 義無反悔....

數分鍾後, 叫佢地兩個做表演, 判官真係老練, 馬上裝假狗入天使洞, 我就坐在一旁欣賞, 但實在看不過眼, 正義心推動下, 我叫天使裝假狗入判官後花園, 然後我才加入戰團, 天使推車, 我摸佢波, 又車又摸, 得閒打判官的屁股數下, 過足癮.

差不多後我叫天使反身被我入洞, 在我慢車往返時, 要求判官幫我毒龍......換了幾個姿勢後, 最後在上面同阿雨深車, 叫判官在下面口爆完事.

服務精神十分好, 尚有時間, 佢地幫我四手按摩....我又再次墮落了...

完事沖涼, 下樓才埋單, 每人派500, 然後走過去問米奇可否外賣, 佢話可以, 可以單件個半小時同價, 如六時前至零晨六點八千, 六時後6千, 十時後5千(大概, 不太記得), 可以先到店揀女, 留地址後, 她們會準時到...亦可電話預約. (我其實想翻食阿雨..., 我對佢好有feel).

計數: 3720+1000(我今次貼士太重手, 盡花今個月零用錢....其實400-600就可以了.)兩條女加杯啤酒個半小時, 約港幣1,242(3.8算)

總結, 此乃專做鬼佬生意的店, 可以只挑選黃線右面的女, 沒有model, 但服務十分好, 阿雨畀我留下心刻印象. 有時間有能力, 外賣阿雨慢慢食.

墮落後奉勸各弟兄, 看完報告, 忘記民俗仇恨, 唔好搶奶粉搶鹽, 多多損錢畀日本人解難, 幫忙, 唔該!

多加分, 唔該...!


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發表於 2011-3-19 21:23:26 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2011-3-19 23:02:36 | 顯示全部樓層
Never been to Thailand for fun but always enjoy Thai mm in D1.
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發表於 2011-3-19 23:05:45 | 顯示全部樓層
eden club 好重口味
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發表於 2011-3-19 23:12:13 | 顯示全部樓層
eden club啱外國人口味
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發表於 2011-3-20 10:51:06 | 顯示全部樓層
good report ! push push !
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發表於 2011-3-20 22:54:43 | 顯示全部樓層
address please ching 'm going to Bangkok end of March :)
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發表於 2011-3-25 23:55:43 | 顯示全部樓層
Good job support
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發表於 2011-3-26 00:49:15 | 顯示全部樓層
Very funny report
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發表於 2011-3-26 17:00:34 | 顯示全部樓層
回應 大雞精 的帖子

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發表於 2011-3-27 05:41:42 | 顯示全部樓層
the place sounds nice!
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發表於 2011-3-27 06:11:33 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 austinpower 於 2011-3-27 11:30 編輯

Eden club is fun and you can experience the real double. Unlike CP, those girls in Eden will kiss each other, play each other with toys and you can F*ck them without changing condom.  Girls quality is low but service is great. Max the club manager for years (the french guy, not sure he still there)  said if you are not satisfied, you don't need to pay. Also, If you go before 4pm, it is cheaper.
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發表於 2011-3-27 22:21:44 | 顯示全部樓層
Wow! Should have readvthis article before ... Thx !
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發表於 2011-3-27 22:40:29 | 顯示全部樓層

Seems it's a new good place for fun!!!
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發表於 2011-3-27 23:14:50 | 顯示全部樓層
this is really good information thanks
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發表於 2011-3-29 11:17:37 | 顯示全部樓層
I have been there 8 years ago, the girls quality is not good, mostly older gals with tan skin from southern thailand, instead of the good one from northern part like QinMai.  But the service is really wonderful.  You can do pretty much ANYTHING yo the girls and treat them like sex slaves and they are delighted to serve.  My last visit my friend and I hired 6 girls play for 3 hours in the same room, we were so fucking tired afterwards that we slept for the next 18 hours straight in hotel.  
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發表於 2011-3-29 11:34:35 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2011-3-29 11:49:26 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2011-3-30 06:59:57 | 顯示全部樓層
That is why Eden calls itself a "fantasy club". You can request girl wear different uniform like Nurse, School girls or OL. I asked them to wear school girls uniform. They changed their cloths and bring a backpack to my room. Guess what inside the backpack ? SEX TOYS....

Some small tips if you go there. Pick your 1st girl then ask the girl choose her partner. Believe me, they can team up much better  then you choose your own.
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發表於 2011-4-2 04:36:56 | 顯示全部樓層
Ths for sharing
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