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[曼谷] Plaza experience

發表於 2011-3-8 20:19:31 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
泰國夜店類別: 桑拿 場所名稱: Plaza 網址: http://th.nightlife141.com/tc/node/989
是次消費: 2000~2999銖 日期: 2011-02 消費意見 可以一試 返啅指數: 5/10
I was in Bangkok last weekend and decided to get a scrubbing. Did a bit of research and came up with Riviera as it seemed not far from my hotel. Jumped in a taxi and after few minutes of hand signals together with my limited Thai, the driver gave a big grin and stepped on the gas. 15 minutes later, he stopped the car and told me we were there. I got off the car and realised we were at the wrong address. Lucky for me (that was what I was thinking then) I remembered passing J One and Chao Phya2 on the way so I started walking. Got to J One after 5 minutes and only a few BGs available. So I crossed the road and headed for Chao Phya2 and OMG, when I walked inside, I thought I was in a "Pork Chop concentration camp". Never seen so many pork chops in one SN before. Still believed my luck was still with me, I decided to go to Plaza. Few BGs, but by then I ddin't care, I just wanted to get this over with. Picked a 2400B BG and Baba-san took 100 for tips. Very basic service and after 1 hour, told me times up. I asked if it should be at least 90 minutes and she said something something and the bottom line was: times up. I used to go to Plaza and always had a good time, don't think I'll ever retuen there.


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發表於 2011-3-9 22:40:14 | 顯示全部樓層
feel bad for u, man!!! should be 90 mins, isnt it?
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發表於 2011-3-9 23:16:22 | 顯示全部樓層
Chao Phya2囡多,但囡...
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發表於 2011-3-10 22:03:51 | 顯示全部樓層
2400 baht 係唔係sideline

樓主比100 tip babasan做乜? 本地人比條毛佢, 條女以為你你日本仔所以恰你
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發表於 2011-3-11 00:49:14 | 顯示全部樓層
came on, buddy, you have a badly lucky with you on that day which is international femal day.
try the other day.
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發表於 2011-3-12 11:18:36 | 顯示全部樓層
"ork Chop concentration camp" is good description.
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發表於 2011-3-12 22:46:39 | 顯示全部樓層
Pork chop concentration does not offer pork chops
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