樓主: daball

多倫多按正骨, 溝條骨妹玩...Part 1----6....

發表於 2007-12-1 05:06:25 | 顯示全部樓層
安省個D (尢其識講中文個D係想快上岸既姐;我係依d度新興華人區都見到唔少上岸既囡囡la..)

質數既野就見仁見智la.....加拿大咁大,囡囡咁多,唔怕食唔到好野既  不過個問題係價錢lor
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發表於 2007-12-1 06:09:03 | 顯示全部樓層
乜TORONTO有咁多野玩咩? BRO仲有D咩好路數, 快D教下小弟..
我黎左加拿大咁耐, 都未玩過....
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發表於 2007-12-1 06:52:02 | 顯示全部樓層
go to timxxx la some many bros teach u there
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發表於 2007-12-1 07:38:38 | 顯示全部樓層
Google, 睇報紙, weekend 落 downtown.........., 重有 lapdancing 不過呢樣好耐無去過, 以前無入場費, 好多法國妹好正, 後來聽講話走晒落美國. 又收入場費酒又加價咁就無再去. 最難忘個次係一個 Quebec 落黎既法國妹, 身材正到........, 重會用佢對大波幫我按麼塊臉, 又張個籮友向著我塊臉自己用手張開隻西窿係度搖, 隻西就離我塊臉不足五寸........, 俾佢引到晚晚去搵佢, 結果後來上左佢屋企, 連佢個妹都上埋....跟著無耐佢個妹又係個度返工唔返學.........
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發表於 2007-12-1 08:13:35 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2007-12-1 12:46:52 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 daball 於 2007-11-29 01:28 發表
呢度 D 醫院兩野就趕人走, 多得佢地三個成日黎陪我, 煮食, 重要車我返醫院檢查.........., 想執架...不過隻腳郁唔到, 個頭又轉唔到, 多得佢地成日幫我按摸肌肉煲湯煮食, 都算好得幾快, 而家條頸已經郁得番.......... ...

C Hing; thank you for sharring your updates here
good to know that you are still ok

but; 講返撞車, 其實都唔關我事, 係呢度越黎越多新移民唔識駕車, 我係比條表哥小路出黎停都唔停照出, 我大路行緊成百 Km,

if you don't mind i ask you a question.
so are you born in canada, if not. then that means you were a 新移民 at one point in your life too

and after how long you became 新移民 did you get your driver license or start driving

also even that i know 條表哥 is just a nickname that HK ppl call china ppl before, but remember hk belongs to china for many years already, so i think their's no need for that  

btw; 90% of your story were GREAT , just that; sometime their's no need to call other people name to make yourself "look good"

Btw; i will be in Vegas for x'mas too, never know, maybe you and i will come across eachother, you can show me some place to have fun or i can show you

[ 本帖最後由 bannon 於 2007-12-1 12:50 編輯 ]
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發表於 2007-12-1 12:51:20 | 顯示全部樓層
"sometime their's no need to call other people name to make yourself "look good"

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發表於 2007-12-1 14:57:50 | 顯示全部樓層
waiting for updated report..........
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 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-1 15:36:33 | 顯示全部樓層
I'm sorry if I made you guys think I call that kind of names made myself look good. for me, all that kind's name just to piont out different people that we don't know, just like we call 鬼佬, 黑鬼, 亞差. today. (I know the other meaning in old day) in fact I felt angey cause that guy have no right to turn, he got a stop sign. I have told that I'm 老鬼,  I have been here for 20 Years (but always back and forward between Asia and Here)  I like driving since I was a boy, and I still go to the track every summer. I'm not the good one but the experience have give me enough technic driving on the road. this is my first serious accident in my 30 years record.

Bannon, I think I can walk two weeks later, if everythings on schedule, we will be there on Dec-20. we booked the Paris already.
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發表於 2007-12-2 15:35:43 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 daball 於 2007-12-1 15:36 發表
I'm sorry if I made you guys think I call that kind of names made myself look good. for me, all that kind's name just to piont out different people that we don't know, just like we call 鬼佬, 黑鬼, 亞 ...

Thank you for your reply sir;

all that kind's name just to piont out different people that we don't know, just like we call 鬼佬, 黑鬼, 亞差. today.
i got your point, i guess i was alittle over react, ( it's just that i don't really like people especially chinese ppl calling chinese ppl that kind of names )

in fact I felt angey cause that guy have no right to turn, he got a stop sign.
accidents does happens everyday and everywhere, and that's why "we" call it accident(s),

Bannon, I think I can walk two weeks later, if everythings on schedule, we will be there on Dec-20. we booked the Paris already.
i will be taking off to SF 1st, spent a week their, then i will be driving from SF to LV somewhere around the22nd of Dec, but will be staying at my friend's place, off craigst from I 5. and i would be their till after new year.

if everything go as plan, once i get their, i can PM you with my email or contact number, maybe we can meet up and i can show you and your friends places in LV. their's actually more places to go, what i means is ( out of the strip ), way more fun than those in the strip!!! ie seamless
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發表於 2007-12-3 13:00:15 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 daball 於 2007-12-1 15:36 發表
I'm sorry if I made you guys think I call that kind of names made myself look good. for me, all that kind's name just to piont out different people that we don't know, just like we call 鬼佬, 黑鬼, 亞差. today. (I know the other meaning in old day) in fact I felt angey cause that guy have no right to turn, he got a stop sign. I have told that I'm 老鬼,  I have been here for 20 Years (but always back and forward between Asia and Here)  I like driving since I was a boy, and I still go to the track every summer. I'm not the good one but the experience have give me enough technic driving on the road. this is my first serious accident in my 30 years record.

Bannon, I think I can walk two weeks later, if everythings on schedule, we will be there on Dec-20. we booked the Paris already.

Wow, so u drove ur Tribeca to track?
Seriously, driving almost 100km/h on local street isn't the best idea anyway...but glad u r ok now
Hope you get well soon
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 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-3 14:17:05 | 顯示全部樓層
bannon, sounds good. I like to know the fun out of the strip.

Lemon c, no, Tribeca is my daily car. WRX and RSA is my street/track car. that street is Hwy 10 and speed limit is 80KM, if you are here you know people usually drive at 100Km on 80Km speed limit.
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 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-3 14:30:40 | 顯示全部樓層
I don't think it is a accident, I just met a killer. he was lucky if I hit him with my front, both we will finish.
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發表於 2007-12-3 19:21:24 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 daball 於 2007-12-3 14:17 發表
bannon, sounds good. I like to know the fun out of the strip.

Lemon c, no, Tribeca is my daily car. WRX and RSA is my street/track car. that street is Hwy 10 and speed limit is 80KM, if you are here  ...

i see...I seldom been to the west-end, but ya, I see what you mean.
o well, there are so many idiot in TO that dunno how to drive lately.  I personally got 3 minor accident within a year, and none of them I was at-fault....
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發表於 2007-12-3 21:36:41 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 LemonC 於 2007-12-3 19:21 發表

i see...I seldom been to the west-end, but ya, I see what you mean.
o well, there are so many idiot in TO that dunno how to drive lately.  I personally got 3 minor accident within a year, and none of ...

I almost got hit by a car turing a rigt corner of an intersection the previous noon....... Thank God, I'm still alive...
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發表於 2007-12-5 18:20:31 | 顯示全部樓層
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 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-6 02:48:13 | 顯示全部樓層
柒頭, 咁鐘意吠, 出街先吠, 係度亂吠無用既, 行出街亂咁屌你就有鳩用.
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發表於 2007-12-6 04:39:23 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 daball 於 2007-12-6 02:48 發表
柒頭, 咁鐘意吠, 出街先吠, 係度亂吠無用既, 行出街亂咁屌你就有鳩用.

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發表於 2007-12-6 04:41:01 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 GreenSpot 於 2007-12-6 04:39 發表


yes waiting for a long long time..............
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發表於 2007-12-6 17:28:59 | 顯示全部樓層
Give him more time to get well la you two; GreenSpot & Clive.

Maybe after X'mas, Deball C Hing & i can post a report together ar then you guys can only ,

[ 本帖最後由 bannon 於 2007-12-6 17:30 編輯 ]
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