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發表於 2011-3-7 20:56:43
honchan 發表於 2011-3-7 19:21 
We are youngster, the pillars of Hong Kong society, we are full of energy and passion in contribut ...
good for sharing
in fact i think most of us, including me, haven't express our view/ opinion before the publication of the FB
what we are in fact doing is, may be treated as, shifting the burden to the FS
If the FB is fine, then we can justify for failing to give opinion as there is no need
if the FB is bad, then go and ask for a better one to shift the attraction for failing to give opinion beforehand
I am not saying that this FS is a good one, or even a fair one,
but what we should do is to do something appropriate
ok, go for demonstration, permission was given by the police, so the police has done their part
but how about the other side, block the roadway in a sudden, they need other to care about their feeling
but did they care about the feeling of those sitting inside the bus
police is a law enforcement agent, his duty is to enforce the law,
i don't think he should not arrest or charge you for committing an offence simply because you are kind of "express your view"
as recorded in the news interview, we can see that some people did clearly know what they were doing
and they should be the model of the rest