樓主: lich13

多倫多 新手攻略 及 交流區 (Updated on Jul 2010)

 樓主| 發表於 2010-8-4 01:16:31 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #1348 rtsang88 的帖子



樂觀d睇, 唔上鍾既囡囡, status 係最好 ; 好多時,上鍾既囡囡... 搵佢地果陣,已經好 支力

其實我搵cindy 果陣,佢都有d 支力;  不過可能係小妹妹, 幾句甜言蜜語,佢就開心番

呀,cindy 只係小妹妹; 愛大波者味必鍾意~... 我就鍾意佢既及手波同少女少少pink-lin
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-8-4 01:20:15 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #1348 rtsang88 的帖子


佢係果度最小,俾"姐姐"蝦, 好正常

所以,都係果句, 各花入各眼姐~ 最緊要自己開心~ 比較冇謂
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發表於 2010-8-4 01:42:20 | 顯示全部樓層
"你諗用小蛇鞭蹋有冇用   打淋對波"

以囡囡的procedure,搞到小蛇硬先有得玩搓波波, 在cowgirl or missionary 最好搓, 中途硬蛇鞭蹋對波未試過,功夫仔未夠班, 通常爽緊時都不想停。 如果失手小蛇輭先至鞭蹋佢對波啦
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發表於 2010-8-4 01:51:22 | 顯示全部樓層
cindy 佢係果度最小,俾"姐姐"蝦

請問有冇見過34E大波Elaine呢? 樣子如何,有冇廿七,八呢?
以140食廿七,八的大波波 就唔多化算。

[ 本帖最後由 cleml3s 於 2010-8-4 02:00 編輯 ]
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發表於 2010-8-4 06:34:51 | 顯示全部樓層

乜而家Toronto仲有"化算"嘅fastfood咩? 有件樣靚身材正嘅俾你都已經偷笑...
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發表於 2010-8-4 12:21:59 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 MSZ 於 2010-8-4 06:34 發表

乜而家Toronto仲有"化算"嘅fastfood咩? 有件樣靚身材正嘅俾你都已經偷笑...

Hard for me to say.
To be honest "whether the girl is 正 or not" is really objective.
Don't get me wrong.

Like 13兄 and I have always emphasize, it is subject to your acceptance.
If you like her or the WG likes you, she might gives you a little bit of extra.

"Things I have doesn't mean you will also have. Things you have doesn't applies to me either"

Some guys will say one gal is cute and gorgeous but another guy could say she is no good.
So it is really hard to set a perimeter whether Toronoto have lame quality or not.

Base on my experience, amongst all these visits the past half a year or so.
Only one girl I have complained. The rest of them are decent.

Then again, back to this phrase... SUBJECT TO YOUR ACCEPTANCE.
No hard feeling bro.

[ 本帖最後由 puzylover 於 2010-8-4 12:35 編輯 ]
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-8-4 22:16:26 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #1354 cleml3s 的帖子

我通算食完先問名 ; 好多囡食完都唔記得佢叫咩名~
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-8-4 22:20:00 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #1357 lich13 的帖子

再者,我不是agent, 冇可能知道所有囡~
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發表於 2010-8-5 04:56:30 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 puzylover 於 2010-8-4 12:21 發表

Hard for me to say.
To be honest "whether the girl is 正 or not" is really objective.
Don't get me wrong.

Like 13兄 and I have always emphasize, it is subject to your acceptance.
If you like ...

呢度有言論自由架嘛, 你覺得餐飯好食嘅當然要公諸同好啦...不過我就覺得以而家郁吓都百四五30 minutes嘅rate嚟講, 就算service點好我都係覺得唔抵架喇. 不過資本主義市場係咁運作, 小弟無能, 唯有食少啲...
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發表於 2010-8-5 08:09:03 | 顯示全部樓層
any denisty spa go 13 bros
they said Korean in there wor
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發表於 2010-8-5 10:21:51 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 MSZ 於 2010-8-5 04:56 發表

呢度有言論自由架嘛, 你覺得餐飯好食嘅當然要公諸同好啦...不過我就覺得以而家郁吓都百四五30 minutes嘅rate嚟講, 就算service點好我都係覺得唔抵架喇. 不過資本主義市場係咁運作, 小弟無能, 唯有食少啲...:closed ...

Agree with MSZ, not many good meals lately...I do recommend Sooni (Tag141) if you like Korean.  I may give Cindy (Nancy's) a try since bro13 gave a good review of her.  I am back to once a month.  Used to go more often...but prices have gone up so much and quality down.  And I don't feel its getting my money's worth anymore...   Tempting to try Yuri (Tag141) but you know...usually, face good = so-so attitude/service...like Vivian chow

Nowadays, bro big snake and13 seem to eat the most    Keep it up!

Btw, anyone know what's going on with YS?  It seems the site is down...
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-8-5 13:24:56 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 MSZ 於 2010-8-5 04:56 發表

呢度有言論自由架嘛, 你覺得餐飯好食嘅當然要公諸同好啦...不過我就覺得以而家郁吓都百四五30 minutes嘅rate嚟講, 就算service點好我都係覺得唔抵架喇. 不過資本主義市場係咁運作, 小弟無能, 唯有食少啲...:closed ...

既然你明白有言論自由, 唔同觀點姐~唔洗咬住人唔放既~

加國生活水1平係貴; 不過至少人人都有機會玩呀;
香港就係供樓已經好多人供唔起啦 (係呀, 香港50cn 唔洗已經可以玩45分鐘呀....)

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 樓主| 發表於 2010-8-5 13:27:20 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #1361 chef123 的帖子

tag141 is literally pure Koreans...

so any bro is a big fan of korean/ jap, try that company~

N. York location is the highly recommend, they put girls in diffrerent , 1on1 , quite and upscale apartments ; if girl A is not your cup ot tea, you could move to another unit to check another girl until satisfied~

The only caution about Koreans is most of them have surgery on their chests (sometimes it's really disappointing when u feel like as if u were graping two stones )   & most koreans don't offer kiss

[ 本帖最後由 lich13 於 2010-8-5 14:05 編輯 ]
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-8-5 13:28:44 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #1361 chef123 的帖子

not sure

the only truth i know is the fact that Ys's boss has 4 shops indeed (including tag 141@ N York )

To make it short, YS 's simply a cartel of bosses & their 寫狗s
Newbies would be very disgruntled if they were to take fake reports of Ys as references

[ 本帖最後由 lich13 於 2010-8-5 14:06 編輯 ]
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-8-5 13:30:19 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #1361 chef123 的帖子

My reason is simply becuz I broke up with my gf 2 months ago.....

Besides, I'm under tremendous pressure of OT.. I'm still working now.....
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-8-5 14:00:34 | 顯示全部樓層

各花入各花,我既報告純主觀感受, 與客觀事實無關:

[ 本帖最後由 lich13 於 2010-8-5 14:13 編輯 ]
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發表於 2010-8-5 18:09:40 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 lich13 於 2010-8-5 13:24 發表

既然你明白有言論自由, 唔同觀點姐~唔洗咬住人唔放既~

加國生活水1平係貴; 不過至少人人都有機會玩呀;
香港就係供樓已經好多人供唔起啦 (係呀, 香港50cn 唔洗已經可以玩45分鐘呀....)

針無2利既~ ...

如果你係搵10.25一個鐘嘅話, 恐怕你連60蚊果啲阿毛你都食唔起...我唔係咬住人唔放, 係講事實姐...
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發表於 2010-8-6 01:17:34 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 MSZ 於 2010-8-5 18:09 發表

如果你係搵10.25一個鐘嘅話, 恐怕你連60蚊果啲阿毛你都食唔起...我唔係咬住人唔放, 係講事實姐...


大前題係"砌得開心, 砌得安心"

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 樓主| 發表於 2010-8-6 01:28:04 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #1368 puzylover 的帖子



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發表於 2010-8-6 05:37:46 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 lich13 於 2010-8-5 13:28 發表
not sure

the only truth i know is the fact that Ys's boss has 4 shops indeed (including tag 141@ N York )

To make it short, YS 's simply a cartel of bosses & their 寫狗s :lau ...

Yes,you are right !
They had 2 units @ Yonge,and 3 units @ Kennedy.
Those Candyland,Scarbo-Garden,我是林妹妹,Angelic123,NANA_IZUKI and Playgirls agencies,were coming from original organization "TOG".
They also provide their girls to the other garage such as honeybebe and Nancy.
They set the price as higher as they like,they think Toronto Chinese were waterfish and stupid horn dogs.
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