樓主: lich13

多倫多 新手攻略 及 交流區 (Updated on Jul 2010)

發表於 2010-7-4 15:13:33 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 lich13 於 2010-7-4 12:05 發表

eline, kelly, 等等好耐冇去,唔知近況

我反而對最近YS 廣告果個candyland 有少少好奇,唔知有冇人試過呢...?

最後想講...信ys..果邊資訊一成都死.... ...

candyland = tog2, went to yonge/sheppard location, C-9
maybe meeko?  for $160...ppl said she's Tresa who used to work at Joe
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發表於 2010-7-4 15:29:04 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 lich13 於 2010-7-4 11:37 發表

nancy 最近d囡唔錯 ; 60 號有2個appartment ...  2個apartment 各有2位囡囡

有2個大陸後生妹... (名唔記得; 係較高單位)值得一試... 一個係呢自北京..另一個唔記得

140 1Q 值唔值,見仁見知.. 不過以近期市況呢 ...

I think Nancy's place is more consistent than others...

what's the name of the one from BJ?  you need to tell us which one you ate

I ate a BJ girl...no name and she hasn't return back to work after...
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-7-5 09:46:01 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #1272 chef123 的帖子

sorry, 我真係冇印象

不過你可以問下nancy... 因為佢個度只得一個北京妹...

想補充少少, 其實冇話邊個場場con 唔consist既 ; 都係睇一期期既囡
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發表於 2010-7-5 11:22:54 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 lich13 於 2010-7-5 09:46 發表
sorry, 我真係冇印象

不過你可以問下nancy... 因為佢個度只得一個北京妹...

想補充少少, 其實冇話邊個場場con 唔consist既 ; 都係睇一期期既囡

Of course, I meant consistent as in eatable, fair price and no stupid BS.  If you look at candyland website, you start seeing ex-tog girls showing up...at first, you think they offer high-end girls like Joe...so much BS.  Like that girl Elsa...that's so hk 141 pics

I know there is a BJ girl called Cindy.  You can check Nancy's website to see if that's the one you ate.  I went there earlier this week and some random BJ girl showed up (on trial?  just to see if she likes Nancy's place?) at like 11pm.  Not pro, shy, quiet, fresh, probably first time "go down the sea"...cuz she didn't know the "process" after we went into the room.  It was an awesome experience...  She left Nancy's place after the session.  I called Nancy to see when she returns to work but but Nancy said the girl didn't contact her after that night...  totally random experience...  btw, 150hh
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-7-5 11:33:43 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #1274 chef123 的帖子

guese it's cindy...

cuz i recall her name ends up with "dy"....

btw, i never check any ad pic.. i prefer go check the real person by myself..

if no one is good, i can go to somewhereelse...

there are many shops along sherpad anyway

[ 本帖最後由 lich13 於 2010-7-5 11:50 編輯 ]
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-7-5 11:36:34 | 顯示全部樓層
can't agree more~
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發表於 2010-7-14 09:39:51 | 顯示全部樓層


趁佢回老家探親之際, 緊係要出嚟揾食啦
都好耐無出沒, 加埋我哋多倫多靜咗啲。係時候出份報告同大家分享吓。

原本打去俾Funhouse果邊睇下有乜女女, 點知唔通

喺廣告睇到 "初次出国加拿大你从未见过的无敌巨乳霸新女 *JENNY*"
喺多倫多都好少大波妹, 就試吓先。

車房: 巴黎屋 (近屎家寶灘腥ter, 如果寫到咁陽都唔明最好打去問)
電話: $!陸-易七生-陸易壹七
茶名: Jenny from 北京
年份: 廿到尾, 三十頭
茶杯: 5'3"- 5’4”
茶費: 1Q 120, 兩Q 240
茶樣: 6
茶杯: 36E (一 定過D杯)
茶孔: 9.5
服務: 7.5, GFE, shower for 2, LFK, CBJ
回沖率: 100%

我以為去咗新場。當個女keeper開門時就知佢係Candyland 嘅keeper。
原來佢有兩檔, 就係不約黑同此處。
見到女女時, 佢都幾怕羞。
為咗驗証係貨真價實, 小弟一對手狂渣。
原來女女對嘢係真, 重好軟綿綿。
最重要係女女乳房報滿神經線, 搓多兩搓已經叫咗出嚟。
再摸吓佢妹妹, 濕曬


到最後滿足自己淫慾, 向住佢對E級射

講咗咁耐係咁講佢對嘢. 雖然肥小小但佢真係好fresh。
佢有好多功夫都唔識, 如果你哋下次揾佢, 可以教吓佢



I have taken this picture after our session.


[ 本帖最後由 puzylover 於 2010-7-14 10:32 編輯 ]
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-7-14 13:23:39 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #1277 puzylover 的帖子

korean gf.. 味好食錢??....
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發表於 2010-7-14 23:41:04 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 puzylover 於 2010-7-14 09:39 發表
趁佢回老家探親之際, 緊係要出嚟揾食啦
都好耐無出沒, 加埋我哋多倫多靜咗啲。係時候出份報告同大家分享吓。

近排都知道好多地方俾人掃, ...

真係大得好勁, 挾腸腸可能好過癮  

有沒有見其他女女, I prefer cup手波,

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發表於 2010-7-14 23:48:33 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #1277 puzylover 的帖子

Jenny's boobs 真係大得好勁, but the belly too.
Thank you for your review, especially the extra picture.
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-7-15 01:16:01 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #1279 rtsang88 的帖子

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 樓主| 發表於 2010-7-15 04:35:48 | 顯示全部樓層

13 誠意推介---- 難西place : 架妹sora

電話: 647-@!)-鹿易易鹿
地點: YMCA 附近


1. Basic Info
2. 特點
4. 總結

1. Basic Info
芳名 : 架妹sora

芳齡 : 4.5/5  眼大大,樣靚可愛
身材 : 4/5  真c 波 (唔會違反地心吸力 ) 走肥
    特色 : 140 架妹,真波,仲要咩都玩; 抵玩
服務 : 5/5 GGF;DFK  (因為佢弟一個客,所以我唔mind ) ; MASSAGE (I kindly refuse when i afraid I'll run out of time); DIGIT; 漫遊DATY; RIMMING  (i also kindly refuse) ; BBBJ


Roses : 140/0.5 hr

2. 特點

  • 愛真波者必試
  • 戰鬥格 (獨龍 ,漫遊 , 大車 ,伸要環保 ); 騎功唔錯
  • Great GF Feel  (如果冇左獨龍,相信會更有gf feel)
  • 唔知為咩,做完之後 佢當我係pikachu 係咁玩我   (相信今次真係 我有你冇lor...  )

3. Process

prelude :  做左差唔同1周處男, 細佬唔可以再忍

Process : 一開始佢想做massage (由於細佬吉野時間較長,so i kindly decline her offer) ;  因此佢就lin同手指 玩我全身,然後全身漫遊

之後佢想獨龍(不過我唔鍾意,因此我拒絕), 跟住吹 (可以環保; 不過細佬只會同女友環保)

女上值得一讚   騎功真係唔錯

由於我較保守傳統, 男上了事

4. 總結:  140 架妹,真波,仲要咩都玩,你邊度搵

下期目標 : 下次會玩一個鍾 (希望一個月佢再係度),今次時間唔夠,好多野佢想同我玩,我都拒絕

(Current finanacial status) No money, No Happy   

  The End    
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發表於 2010-7-15 04:36:36 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #1277 puzylover 的帖子

Long time reader and first post here. Jenny looks very big.. just want to say thanks for the special picture. I don't know how to type chinese.. sorry.

Went to Andy yesterday to have goodbye session with Ashley/BoBo. Andy has Serena there, long leg would be her biggest sell, flat chest and avg face. Not really my type. I am into service type, I tried Lilia from Andy, she was not good and I think she is only part time here. SG had Mandy and Ashley, both gone now. Any good advice would be appreciated.

Btw, do you guys always ask EE to take pictures? What's the success rate? Not that I am looking for full face pic, but I think it's good to have special memory, any tips on that would be good.

Thanks, and yeah YS is dead to me. I go to english boards and here. Take care and have fun guys!
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-7-15 04:46:08 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #1283 rdarkman68 的帖子

Don't worry. As a person who dwells in this shit place, one should know English to survive

Ys 個邊一向作野; 去純粹想知有咩新囡番貨

andy 對人(囡同客)係幾好, 可惜佢唔係好識教囡.. 因此佢果班d 小妹妹有時真係冇咩禮貌

試下難西既sora : 647-@!)-鹿易易鹿  或者後官kelly既yuri  (647-(*(-發發日日 啦!

依2條囡 (唔同地方)都唔錯

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發表於 2010-7-15 06:58:41 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 rdarkman68 於 2010-7-15 04:36 發表
Long time reader and first post here. Jenny looks very big.. just want to say thanks for the special picture. I don't know how to type chinese.. sorry.

Went to Andy yesterday to have goodbye session  ...

Bowie走咗真係好可惜, 我禮拜一都有搵佢. 兩三年前廚房全盛時期唯一剩落嚟嘅上菜. 雖然冇Noel咁好但係都very close. (well, Becky果啲ex廚房姐姐唔計, 佢哋實在太老)
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發表於 2010-7-15 07:08:56 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 lich13 於 2010-7-14 13:23 發表
korean gf.. 味好食錢??....

Hey 13 c-hing, I have replied you via PM.
Yeah this Kia sucks up some of my money. She is really taking care of my wallet already.
No need to purchase bags or phone to her.

When we go out for dinning, most likely I pay for the bills. She pays for drinks when we go to bars.

In my opinion, she is worth each dollars I spend on her.

Btw, thanks for your points.
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發表於 2010-7-15 07:13:33 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 rtsang88 於 2010-7-14 23:41 發表

真係大得好勁, 挾腸腸可能好過癮  

有沒有見其他女女, I prefer cup手波,


Of course I have 挾腸腸 , that is during my 2nd Q.
My 1st Q already have too much info. Therefore no need to repeat myself.

Did I see other girls? There was only 1, she is Korean. Her appearance is so-so.
Got some nice long body. 5'7, almost 5'8.

Honestly, she will take any men. This is what I learned from Jenny. It turns me off already.

If Jenny's pair of melon are too much, you should try try SORA. Decent looking gal.

btw, thanks for the points
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發表於 2010-7-15 07:24:21 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 rdarkman68 於 2010-7-15 04:36 發表
Long time reader and first post here. Jenny looks very big.. just want to say thanks for the special picture. I don't know how to type chinese.. sorry.

Went to Andy yesterday to have goodbye session  ...

About Lela's poor service.

Are you talking about Lela the Malaysian girl from Andy's place?
If we are talking the same girl. Then, I need to advocate for her.

She don't got the look. Her titties are too dark because of her skin tone.
Her skills and her services are SMOKING

What I mean is she is willing to do the extra for you. She literally LICKS your whole body.
Her bed skills are good. Then again, you cannot compare Joanna that I tried.

Hard for me to explain, she is very wild in bed. For sure!

For the re-eat rate, I will give 9 out of 10 for Lela.
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-7-15 08:50:34 | 顯示全部樓層
highly recommend Sora..

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 樓主| 發表於 2010-7-15 08:56:18 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #1285 MSZ 的帖子

noel... 懷念
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