樓主: lich13

多倫多 新手攻略 及 交流區 (Updated on Jul 2010)

發表於 2007-12-9 05:07:25 | 顯示全部樓層
Sexy miss world 182cm_張梓琳
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發表於 2007-12-9 05:12:01 | 顯示全部樓層
180cm Toronto ex-beauty queen
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 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-9 05:50:06 | 顯示全部樓層

nah, just Jk...

indeed her company was busted by the Police few days after I visisted.... Thank God, I almost lost my scholarship....

So I don't recommened you to visit dat company or u may take a huge risk....
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 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-9 06:03:50 | 顯示全部樓層

To bro Happy rwith respect to quai-mei

I primarily play some college students with small tits but round asses and moderately smooth and slightly hairly skin
and occassionally, hock up wif some college chicks in bars and/ or some parties to have free "lunch"es..

Most are whites, sometimes latinal;  busty Iranian gals for few times, naughty Cuban lady once, horny Black for serveral times,  elegant Lebanese once, hot brown glas for few times....  Busty, hot and mature models for couple of times...

Yet my favourate is Asian Gals--- their pussies best match my dick and I like to communicate with ladies during my encounter.

My new target is a Chinese-French mix. I will fuck her for sure as long as I save adequate money........  My new free lunch target is one of my friends in real life. She keeps seducing me and I know I have to do sth as a sincere friend.

I am busy for my finals rite now and desperately looking for internships for the beginning Jan. I would share my passion as long as I have more time. Regarding photos, I do not take a lot so I'm learning photography as my extra-curricular activities recently.

Definitely, if Happy Bro u coud recommend me to work for your company, I would have few worries  

Nah, just Jk and I 'll see  u around this forum later.

Lich 13  (屍十三)

[ 本帖最後由 lich13 於 2007-12-9 06:25 編輯 ]
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 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-9 06:19:56 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Happppy 於 2007-12-9 05:07 發表
Sexy miss world 182cm_張梓琳

張梓琳 is ok... but i don't appreciate to fuss around too skinny model anyway...... More importantly, she looks like any ordinary tall teenager if she cleanse all of cosmetics from her face.....

Indeed, my "wife" is hotter than she does.   (definitely, not dat tall and skinny la...)    Haha, so pround of her.

Just my opinion.  Don't take my word....

Again ,thx for sharing

[ 本帖最後由 lich13 於 2007-12-9 06:28 編輯 ]
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Winnerforever13 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2007-12-9 08:49:03 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2007-12-9 12:19:50 | 顯示全部樓層
Hello again Bro Happppy. Been away for Nov. and just got back to Toronto last week. Have not been online until now. Thx for sharing the nice photos. You are the man
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發表於 2007-12-10 00:52:23 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 lich13 於 2007-12-9 06:19 發表

張梓琳 is ok... but i don't appreciate to fuss around too skinny model anyway...... More importantly, she looks like any ordinary tall teenager if she cleanse all of cosmetics from her face.....

In ...

bro lich13,

Show me a pic of 'your wife' (you can cover her face etc) I am interested to find out what you mean by 'hot'?  And how any female in this world is hotter than miss world 2007.  If you look at most supermodel, all of them are skinny... Show me a fat model?
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 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-10 04:21:01 | 顯示全部樓層

To my dear Happy Bro,

wa, claim down happy bro. Different individuals share different values. Yet, it does not suggest any value is either "right" or "wrong". This world is not either "balck" or "white" though. I would appreciate if you could appreciate diversity.  The US is a diverse society, isn't it?

I would apologise if you feel offended. Yet, I do respect and admore you in this forum. Therefore, I have never ever intended to offend and/or insult you. You know that right? So, let wisdom speak the rest.

Regarding my "wife"'s photo, I am afraid that I will never ever post any of her photo in any website.
First of all, it's my word from my mouth that I never ever post any her photo. Second, even I tried to make photos blur, it is very easy to break those cover-up , the so-called "解碼" technic. I SUSPECT NOBODY, YET I THINK IT WOULD BE SAFER FOR ANYBODY.  

Third, there's an ancient sentence called "情人眼內出西C"---- i.e. I think she is hot, she is hot. Even the truth suggests otherwise.

Besides, I do appreciate your effort to share your passion by posting photos of those beauties. I dick really grows whenever I see those photos. On the other hand, I am sharing my passion in terms of words though. As I said, I will post photos later as long as I have more time to do so.  More imprtantly , most gals I have encountered so far prohibits me from taking any photo....
Therefore, posting photo would be technical difficulty for me...

Again, thnak you so much for your effort and passion of sharing  photo. I do admore and respect you bro, as a professional having handsome income to fuss gals and ladies around the globe. You are my learnig-model indeed.     Also, I would aprreciate if you could educate my poor English sentecne structure, given it is so misleading and misinterpretting. Just be freak and honest. I am a humble learner, as always.

Lokking forward to hearing from you.

Faithfully yours,
lich13 (屍十三)

[ 本帖最後由 lich13 於 2007-12-10 04:26 編輯 ]
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發表於 2007-12-11 01:12:11 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #89 lich13 的帖子

Sorry I made you mad.

No offense.  Just my expressive assertiveness when 'beauty' is touched upon.  Everyone has their standard and sometime we can be carried away with our own.

No gf, no individual comments... just a general expression of forms and appreciation is all I try to do all along.

You English is fine.  Just a matter of laziness not to check for typo.  I have that problem all the time.  But given how little time we have and how much we want to express and seek in these posts.  We can only do so good.

So bro you are now in Toronto.

I am just amazed when you list out the type of college girl that you comce across.  I know Toronto well and I am not sure I agree with you that there are as many pussy hanging around campus waiting to be fucked.  A lot of other cities would definitely high on my list, but not Toronto.

But again, money talks.  So when you have good contact and a good personality, time and patient, there are always girls that will be interested in you.

A lot of the time I showed the visual is that I just want to say I am buff and make my stories up.  I usually believe it when I can see it.  Otherwise anyone can say they have sex with the best looking girls all the time.  Not that it is not true, just need a bit of meat to convince me.

No offense, it is just me and it is just the way I judge what is genuine and what is not.

Good luck my friend and yeah, Christmas is coming, there will be parties and chicks hanging around waiting to be tamed.  Go check them out.
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 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-11 02:13:47 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Happppy 於 2007-12-11 01:12 發表
Sorry I made you mad.

No offense.  Just my expressive assertiveness when 'beauty' is touched upon.  Everyone has their standard and sometime we can be carried away with our own.

No gf, no individual ...

I know what you mean. Yeah, we need proof sometimes... I'm wondering how u could convince 'em to take photos with you?

Perhaps most gals (both professional for trade and amateur) I encountered are around my age. They just do for some income and/or fun. Therefore, they do hope I not to take pictures and/or post 'em in the internet afterward. Like what I said, I have to keep my word. I guese the best I could do is cut and paste their ad photo in the internet.

True, in the very end money speaks the rest. Just like in college, GPA speaks the rest. Sigh.......... I'm a ture vicitim of GPA....... I do believe GPA does not fully illustrate and substantiate my competency.  Like some broke guys say, I know i could be rich, blar, blar, balr...

Well, I have visited Montreal once and i realised that French-Canadian on average is more prtty than ladies in Toronto. I'd say the good thin in Toronto is that u could meet ladies of very diverse background.  Definitely, compred to ladies from Montreal, Moscow, China, Hong Kong, Los Angels, Chicago, New York, etc, Toronto ladies may not be dat "hot"... Yet, there are very few places I have visited in my life so far: Hong Kong , China, Toyko,Toronto and Montreal. Thus, I ;d say I'm satisfied right now.

If u like free lunches, u could always try to hunt in bars.... I'm not physical attratcive, yet I "looked" smart and I know how what ladies want (perhaps I have to take care of my younger sister in my entire life). Sometimes, some Caucasian Ladies always I  look like "Hiro" from Heroes (the photo I'm using right now).      So, I 'm kinda luck to have free lunches occasionally.

Indeed, once I was almost "hunted" by a shemale. That experience still shadowed me a lot right now......

True, given limited time to spend, we needa devote more on my top priority other than this forum.   I would say I really appreciate your photos...Those ladies are really pretty.

Btw, Happy Bro. Are u ABC(American-Born-Chinese) or raised in the Anglo-American way? Why ask so since I feel u reli like to fuss around Caucasians....  Haha, I'm just A FOB so I'd say any Asian is still my top priority.   Don't get me wrong, just curious and I'm always open-minded.

Oh, I'm going back to HK after I finish fianls. So, it's time for me to support "local industries" @ HK.....  Fuck, HK ladies reli don't like me and I'd spend my saving from my part-time jobs to buy happiness again, sigh....

PS. Gals form middle-Asia (like Iranian, Afghan and Lebonese) are the most beauty and elegant ladies I have dealt wif so far. Seriusly, they make me feel like I am dealing wif my GF rather than some professional escort. They are timid and shy, yet very skillful and gentle. More importantly, their skin is so smooth...... They kiss me proactivity.........
Just say u're "Canadian" when u ask for your background. (No offense to any American, but u know sometimes policies from Washington reli frustrate some people around the globe...)

[ 本帖最後由 lich13 於 2007-12-11 02:20 編輯 ]
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發表於 2007-12-11 07:12:27 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #91 lich13 的帖子

bro lich13,

Thanks for the stories and sound like a bit of challenge can drive you to beat you guts out.

I totally agreed with you regarding Montreal girls vs Toronto girls.  Working girls or not.  French Canadian (or French) passion for sex is unlike any girls I've seen.

I have a lot of fun times in Montreal.  Thanks for the reminder.

Before you leave for Hongkong after your final, take my advice.  Visit Montreal again purely for fuck pleasure.

Research well in advance, with MERB.  Call ahead to book the girl with those agents.  If you spend 3 days there and fuck 2 a day, and ask them for the shots.  They are the most liberal.....

Then you know what I mean.  You have not have real sex unless you have sex with a French girl.  That is what I mean by passion.

Good luck and good fuck.

Btw, look like you have spent more time responding to us in the forum, than prepare for you final.  Success in life do not only depend on whether you are smart or not, but but how good you really are.  Depending on your career path, smart can only carry you so far.  Best of luck.

And Happy Christmas.
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 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-15 11:24:43 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Happppy 於 2007-12-11 07:12 發表
bro lich13,

Thanks for the stories and sound like a bit of challenge can drive you to beat you guts out.

I totally agreed with you regarding Montreal girls vs Toronto girls.  Working girls or not.   ...

Happy bro,

don't get me wrong-- I "look" smart but I'm not smart at all... Therefore, I know I work harder than most people...

btw, i used to sleep very few... around 5-6 hrs/day... perhaps i'm stressful ro whatsoever...

[ 本帖最後由 lich13 於 2007-12-15 11:28 編輯 ]
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發表於 2007-12-25 17:46:19 | 顯示全部樓層
lich 13bro,

Thanks for posting the escort guide.  I find it informative and useful.

I also live in Toronto but seldom have a chance of going out of Ontario because of being busy at work.  

I got some bad experience of Asian escort before - so I am looking for local.  Do you have any experience to share?

Nice to meet you, btw.
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 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-25 22:43:58 | 顯示全部樓層
nice to meet u 2.

Read my PM la.
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發表於 2007-12-26 05:41:29 | 顯示全部樓層
lich 13 bro,

Merry Xmas!  

Sorry for not being able to read your PM as I'm only a new member right now so I am not qualified to read PM until I accumulated at least 21 points.
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貓頭鷹 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2007-12-26 07:02:11 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2007-12-27 00:41:46 | 顯示全部樓層
toronto is a good place to happy.
We don't have much choice at west coast.
Especially Calgary
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 樓主| 發表於 2007-12-27 03:23:01 | 顯示全部樓層

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貓頭鷹 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2007-12-27 09:51:57 | 顯示全部樓層
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