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發表於 2010-9-18 06:28:25 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式

哈金•奧拉祖雲 ( Hakeem Olajuwon )


綽號「夢幻」「非洲天王」,生於1963年1月21日,1984年NBA選秀中被休斯頓火箭隊以狀元簽選中。他被視為是有史以來最靈活及最全能的中鋒球員之一,奧拉祖雲是NBA史上封阻最多的球員( 3740次 ),也是史上第一位達到2000次 封阻及2000球偷球的球員,攻守兼備,絕對是一個實而不華的球員。他曾經兩度率火箭隊獲得NBA總冠軍併當選總決賽最有價值球員(1994年、1995年)、在職業生涯中曾獲得一次常規賽最有價值球員(1994年)、兩次NBA最佳防守球員(1993年、1994年)、六次入選NBA最佳陣容(1987年、1988年、1989年、1993年、1994年、1997年)、三次入選第二陣容(1986年、1990年、1996年)、三次入選第三陣容(1991年、1995年、1999年)、五次入選最佳防守陣容(1987年、1988年、1990年、1993年、1994年)、十二次參加明星賽、並在1996年代表美國獲得奧運會金牌。

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[ 本帖最後由 george22k 於 2010-9-18 06:30 編輯 ]
單選投票, 共有 30 人參與投票
 樓主| 發表於 2010-9-18 06:31:55 | 顯示全部樓層
柏德烈•伊榮(Patrick Ewing)



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 樓主| 發表於 2010-9-18 06:32:58 | 顯示全部樓層
大衛•羅賓遜(David Robinson)


綽號「海軍上將」, 生於1965年8月6日,1987年大學畢業後他被聖安東尼奧馬刺隊在NBA選秀大會上以第一輪第一位選中,但是他堅持服完兩年兵役後才到馬刺隊報到,為此他得到了自己的綽號「海軍上將」1990年獲NBA最佳新人稱號,4次入選NBA最佳陣容和最佳防守陣容,1995年獲MVP獎,職業生涯每場平均得到21.1分、10.6個籃板、2.5次助攻、1.41次抄截和2.99個封阻,1995年拿下生涯最高單場得分71分,1992年和1996年入選美國夢之隊和夢三隊 ,獲2枚奧運會金牌。 是速度最快,暴發力最強和最為靈活的籃球巨人之一。

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 樓主| 發表於 2010-9-18 06:33:51 | 顯示全部樓層
阿朗佐•莫寧(Alonzo Mourning)



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 樓主| 發表於 2010-9-18 06:34:49 | 顯示全部樓層
沙奎爾•奧尼爾(Shaquille O'Neal)


綽號「大鯊魚」,生於1972年3月6日,1992-1993賽季開始前,他被奧蘭多魔術隊以第一輪第一位選中。 20歲的奧尼爾進入NBA後立即掀起一陣狂風巨浪。在短短的三年時間內,他奪得了一次得分王稱號,並且將一支原來根本進不了季后賽的隊伍,第一年帶到季后賽門口,第二年帶進了8強,第三年帶進了總決賽。 雖然沒有奪得最後的總冠軍,但是這種3級跳的進步速度的確驚人。 1996-1997賽季開始前,奧尼爾又一次掀起軒然大波,他與洛杉磯湖人隊簽訂了一份7年一億兩千萬美元的合同,這是籃球歷史上前所未有的巨額合同。1992年當選年度最佳新人,入選夢之二隊和夢之三隊,獲1996年亞特蘭大奧運會金牌,他是籃球運動一百年曆史上出現的最龐大的“大力神”。

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 樓主| 發表於 2010-9-18 06:35:53 | 顯示全部樓層



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 樓主| 發表於 2010-9-18 06:36:55 | 顯示全部樓層
懷特•侯活(Dwight Howard)


綽號「超人侯活」,生於1985年12月8日,2004年NBA選秀被奧蘭多魔術隊以全聯盟第一名選中,他是一名籃板能手,被選為明星隊隊球員之一。再加上他引人注目的入樽。他是現今一名令人注目的年輕球員,魔術隊第一主力。侯活以每場平均12.7分及10.0個籃木球的成績完成他第一個NBA 賽季。他是以兩雙成績完成常規賽的最年輕球員。他亦以平均10個籃板以及單場比賽中奪得20個籃板的最年輕球員。他亦是NBA歷史上第一名球員以高中直接加入聯盟並在第一個球季出賽82場的球員。進入2008-2009年球季,侯活更加成熟,成為球隊的領袖,帶領魔術在常規賽取得59勝23負的成績排在東部聯盟第三。他以場均13.8個籃板繼續成為籃板王,還以場均2.9個封阻成為封阻王,因此入選全NBA防守一隊和NBA一隊,也奪得最佳防守球員。他以3,150,181票獲選成為NBA明星隊賽東部聯盟明星隊的球員之一,破掉姚明保持的明星隊得票記錄。在NBA季後賽,他帶領魔術打進總決賽。

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發表於 2010-9-18 08:54:15 | 顯示全部樓層
點解會有姚明同Dwight Howard呢?
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發表於 2010-9-18 10:24:56 | 顯示全部樓層

實戰中已證明one on one食硬伊榮同羅賓遜,



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發表於 2010-9-18 11:34:16 | 顯示全部樓層

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發表於 2010-9-18 11:40:06 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 逗利是佛 於 2010-9-18 11:34 發表
姚明,侯活,伊榮皆無法得到冠軍指環的加冕,無法與其餘三人相比....正如JC兄所言,奧拉袓雲真係技壓羅賓遜.....奧拉袓雲同奧尼爾登上高峰於不同的年代,二人的高峰對決一直都令人充滿幻想,可惜永遠都睇唔到。在雙奧過莊 ...


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發表於 2010-9-18 11:49:15 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2010-9-18 12:05:02 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 逗利是佛 於 2010-9-18 11:49 發表

magic jahnson showtime通常都係快攻,唔需要渣巴,

阿金一套簡單o既in and out戰術就令陣容一般o既火箭二連霸,
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發表於 2010-9-18 12:25:58 | 顯示全部樓層

若然唔計渣巴,候選七人(之前完全諗唔起有莫寧 ,佢比姚明,侯活,伊榮更不如,嘻嘻)之中奧拉袓雲必然首選。不過請容許小弟潑佢少少冷水,佢果兩屆冠軍,是在佐敦走左去打棒球時攞到的,(94,95,佐敦攞左91-93,96-98六屆)....不過無辦法,果代人無乜邊個唔係活在佐敦與其教練菲‧積遜的陰影之下,伊榮、巴克利、爵士孖寶等等皆與冠軍指環緣慳一面!
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發表於 2010-9-18 13:21:42 | 顯示全部樓層
Hakeem "The Dream" Olajuwon. Is the best center.

If you guys go back to the clips. Olajuwon also better than Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

As for JC ban ban's choice, the prime of O'Neal vs. the prime of Olajuwon match up.

It is interesting. Afterall, the prime O'Neal is another 15 - 20lb heavier than his Orlando Magic days.

What make it so interesting, it is size vs. skills.

If Dwight Howard and Yao Ming could make the list.
I think george22k C-hing forget 5 good Centers.
They are...
1. Moses Malone 2. Rik Smits, 3. Brad Daugherty 4. Vlade Divac and 5. Arvydas Sabonis
Please give these man some respect. They deserved it.

[ 本帖最後由 puzylover 於 2010-9-18 13:34 編輯 ]
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發表於 2010-9-18 13:46:57 | 顯示全部樓層
Side Note 1: Abdul-Jabbar is great. Offensively. As for his defense, I couldn't say great. It is above average. If I have to rate from 11 to 10. 1 means really awful to 10 means really great. I would give Abdul-Jabbar a 6.5/10. That's the most.  

Note 2: It is unfair to judge Olajuwon could only win 2 rings. Yes he is living the same era as per Michael Jordan.
No Olajuwon has no help. Their supporting cast are not strong enough. Even when they have Clyde Drexler, he is not the same as per Trailblazer days. Look at championship teams these past couple of years.
Beside 2003-2004 Detroit Pistons , how many teams have more than 2 all-stars to win a championship?
If Olajuwon has more help, the history will change.
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發表於 2010-9-18 14:30:06 | 顯示全部樓層
The rosters of Rockets in 94 and 95 was not bad although they were not big names.  There are many good players in that Rockets.  Two of them impressed me the most were Robert Horry and Sam Cassell.

Robert Horry grabbed 7 champion rings overall.  His 3-pt killing shot helped Rockets, and later in Lakers, a lot in key moments.  I like the confidence he showed everytime he made that kind of clutch shots.  He made them looked so easy.

Point gaurd Sam Cassell, as a young gun in Rocket, could battle with all the big names in the league.  He is fearless.  Although I don't like his look, he did have guts to step up with confidence whenever his team needed him.

The chemical in that Rockets was fabulous!  Everybody play as his role, and end up they earned their glory!

[ 本帖最後由 逗利是佛 於 2010-9-18 14:37 編輯 ]
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發表於 2010-9-18 15:28:50 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 逗利是佛 於 2010-9-18 12:25 發表

若然唔計渣巴,候選七人(之前完全諗唔起有莫寧 ,佢比姚明,侯活,伊榮更不如,嘻嘻)之中奧拉袓雲必然首選。不過請容許小弟潑佢少少冷水,佢果兩屆冠軍,是在佐敦走左去打棒球時 ...


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發表於 2010-9-18 16:45:39 | 顯示全部樓層
Speaking now in the strongest of the NBA center, people immediately think of the Lakers of Shaquille O'Neal. In fact, 14 years ago, deserves the title is Houston Olajuwon, Ewing and even though at the time, "Admiral," Robinson is in the peak of his career, O'Neal's strength has burst on the scene clues, but can not be compared with Hakeem Olajuwon. At the time Olajuwon powerful, he not only basket of endeavor, beyond the restricted area as accurate jump shot, and dribbling skills and speed of penetration and the Players as another sensitive and rapid. Of course his favorite is "one on one" the usual "Dream Shake," dodge of rival, and time-tested. The face of strong enemy, Olajuwon first ball swinging around, then the axis of toes of one foot, suddenly turned around, they easily get rid of opponents layup. As Olajuwon the nickname, "Akeem The Dream", therefore this trick is called "Dream Shake." Olajuwon is the unique skills lead the Rockets took the championship twice. This is mainly because of his point guard with good ball skills as not only crotch dribble speed, dodge opponents timing has got just about right.  In addition, Olajuwon to a foot when the body axis swivel balance quite well and never had the ball for center of gravity broken opponents mistakes.
The Dream Shake was extremely difficult to defend, much like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's sky hook.The Dream Shake's closest modern equivalent comes from Kevin Garnett, whose moves have less variety and include some perimeter action.
Olajuwon established himself as a great offensive player during his career, perfecting a set of fakes and spin moves that became known as his trademark Dream Shake. Executed with uncanny speed and power, they are still regarded as the pinnacle of "big man" footwork. Shaquille O'Neal stated: "Hakeem has five moves, then four countermoves -- that gives him 20 moves."The Dream Shake made Olajuwon nearly unguardable for most of his career, because "big men" were not quick enough and guards not strong enough to stop him. Olajuwon himself traced the move back to the soccer-playing days of his youth. "The Dream Shake was actually one of my soccer moves which I translated to basketball. It would accomplish one of three things: one, to misdirect the opponent and make him go the opposite way; two, to freeze the opponent and leave him devastated in his tracks; three, to shake off the opponent and giving him no chance to contest the shot."

In 1994 he became the only player in NBA history to win MVP, Finals MVP and Defensive Player of the Year awards in the same season. He was the first foreign-born player to win the league's MVP award

Michael Jordan stated“ If I had to pick a center [for an all-time best team], I would take Olajuwon. That leaves out Shaq, Patrick Ewing. It leaves out Wilt Chamberlain. It leaves out a lot of people. And the reason I would take Olajuwon is very simple: he is so versatile because of what he can give you from that position. It's not just his scoring, not just his rebounding or not just his blocked shots. People don't realize he was in the top seven in steals. He always made great decisions on the court. For all facets of the game, I have to give it to him. ”

Kobe Gets Dream Shake Lessons from Hakeem Olajuwon Video For Reference

[ 本帖最後由 seijyo-yuu 於 2010-9-18 21:51 編輯 ]
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-9-19 01:34:43 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 逗利是佛 於 2010-9-18 12:25 發表

若然唔計渣巴,候選七人(之前完全諗唔起有莫寧 ,佢比姚明,侯活,伊榮更不如,嘻嘻)之中奧拉袓雲必然首選。不過請容許小弟潑佢少少冷水,佢果兩屆冠軍,是在佐敦走左去打棒球時 ...


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