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未食過, 先包夜 - 酒店囡囡芷珊

發表於 2010-4-21 23:53:16 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
上星期5過去仙仔玩比舊相好知道後, 前晚舊相好回來後, 就馬上過去仙仔補飛之餘, 主菜就係去酒店搵芷珊包夜

前晚去到仙仔無mud客, 有好多囡囡等緊客人來沖涼同係ball ball 池幫客人按摩 本來都幾好, 但係入到大廳, 囡囡都仲未換新制服, 所以無晒新鮮感 (不過好似今日已換新制服) 坦白講, 之前囡囡d制服, 加上帶眼鏡, 令囡囡看上去無精神, 同看上去令人覺得個個囡囡d樣都差唔多, 令本人無mud食慾

跟舊相好小聚後, 在12:30am離開仙仔, 換好衫12:45am出到外面, 打電話比agent準備開大餐, agent話1:00am再call我準備上房, 於是就走去附近的新苗打發時間, 順便"及"下d剛收工既囡囡, 點知agent到1:30am都未覆call, 之前打去比agent, 到差不多1:45am先上到囡囡房, 原來囡囡一早已經ok, 不過佢唔知到自己張電話卡無晒$, 所以agent一直都打唔到比囡囡confirm

由於之前只係其他post看過該囡囡的報告, 自己從未見過囡囡真身, 所以係敲門時好很緊張, 好怕賴野 (話晒係特登去過夜) 到囡囡開門時個心定晒
囡囡完全沒有化妝, skin好白, 跟相有9成相似, 無撈味, 好正好有女友feel

5呎3左右, 身材都好白, 吸手波 (中意大波的 c hing 會略嫌唔夠大), 對波好軟熟, 我玩左好耐

一入房囡囡就同我say sorry, 話唔知電話卡無$, 要我9等, 囡囡好主動好多話題, 令你唔會覺得悶, 不過佢一路講, 隻手就開始隔住條褲玩小牛牛  然後就除左我條褲幫我吹奏, 真係好有女友feel, 佢重一路吹一路望住你, 吹到唔肯停, 你叫佢點吹, 吹邊度都無say no 過左10幾分鐘到我頂唔, 就係沙發將佢就地正法 因為囡囡個樣好得, 所以全程1個男上post, 全程睥住佢黎做 , 囡囡d呻吟聲好輕好急速, 開頭小車, 到最後時主動大車   

完時沖涼上床繼續同你吹水, 吹吹下佢隻手又開始唔規矩, 不過當時已經差不多4:00am, 好眼睏, 然後囡囡抱住我瞓, 到早上再整多劑morning q 先放人...

老實講, 小弟之前從未試過搵未食過既囡囡過夜, 但係芷珊真係令我喜出望外, 1k過夜包2q同地方, 我自己覺得真係好抵, 同埋酒店囡囡d水準, 服務同態度已經達到 (甚至超越) 澳門sn囡囡既地步, 所以最近越來越多 c hing 轉食酒店囡囡, sn d 主持人係時候要檢討檢討了...


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發表於 2010-4-21 23:58:27 | 顯示全部樓層
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-4-22 00:02:10 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2010-4-22 00:02:37 | 顯示全部樓層
Good report!!  Any real-life photos that you can PM me??  

BTW, Fei Fei is quite good as well....
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發表於 2010-4-22 00:02:47 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 我叫阿牛 於 2010-4-22 00:02 發表

yes! 好似av一樣, 除左條褲, 波推左一輪全身同小牛牛, 就即刻放入口同我吹 (個時都唔記得要去沖涼了)

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 樓主| 發表於 2010-4-22 00:03:47 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 迅猛龍 於 2010-4-22 00:02 發表


就係law, 之前係仙仔都沖左3次...
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-4-22 00:05:52 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 younghorse 於 2010-4-22 00:02 發表
Good report!!  Any real-life photos that you can PM me??  

BTW, Fei Fei is quite good as well....

i forgot to take real photo with her. but she looks like the photo in the her adv (over 90% similar to her adv) !!! i will re-eat her next week
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發表於 2010-4-22 00:13:00 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 我叫阿牛 於 2010-4-22 00:05 發表

i forgot to take real photo with her. but she looks like the photo in the her adv (over 90% similar to her adv) !!! i will re-eat her next week

I may consider her for overnight this weekend.  Is she quite friendly and no need to 破冰??? I need to work the next day ma...
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-4-22 00:21:34 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 younghorse 於 2010-4-22 00:13 發表

I may consider her for overnight this weekend.  Is she quite friendly and no need to 破冰??? I need to work the next day ma...

完全不用破冰, 囡囡好健談同好主動! 個樣唔化妝都好掂  我仲同佢一齊落街行左陣添...
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發表於 2010-4-22 00:21:43 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 我叫阿牛 於 2010-4-22 00:03 發表

就係law, 之前係仙仔都沖左3次...

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 樓主| 發表於 2010-4-22 00:29:40 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 younghorse 於 2010-4-22 00:13 發表

I may consider her for overnight this weekend.  Is she quite friendly and no need to 破冰??? I need to work the next day ma...

完全唔使破冰, 囡囡好主動好健談, 佢唔化妝個樣都好掂, 我仲同佢落街行左一陣添...
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-4-22 00:31:40 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 迅猛龍 於 2010-4-22 00:21 發表


唔係呀, 我第2日都要返來返工...
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發表於 2010-4-22 00:32:11 | 顯示全部樓層
Good to hear that you have a nice girl for overnight!
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發表於 2010-4-22 00:37:48 | 顯示全部樓層
Official photo of 芷珊
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發表於 2010-4-22 00:40:53 | 顯示全部樓層
Ate a hotel girl Coke today, very nice and GF feel, can also consider overnight.

Went to Sandado later, still the old costume
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-4-22 00:42:01 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #14 fatloong 的帖子

thanks for posting the photo !!!
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 樓主| 發表於 2010-4-22 00:44:45 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 fatloong 於 2010-4-22 00:40 發表
Ate a hotel girl Coke today, very nice and GF feel, can also consider overnight.

Went to Sandado later, still the old costume

thanks for your hotel info, and poor to heat that Sanadao's gals still has not changed their costume
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發表於 2010-4-22 01:57:12 | 顯示全部樓層
i want to try help also ar
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發表於 2010-4-22 09:24:27 | 顯示全部樓層
thx Ching very professional report,
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發表於 2010-4-22 09:47:06 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 我叫阿牛 於 2010-4-22 00:29 發表

完全唔使破冰, 囡囡好主動好健談, 佢唔化妝個樣都好掂, 我仲同佢落街行左一陣添...

Will she still be in MC this weekend???
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