樓主: BOND007

有大量報吿出 --- 第四天早晨:菁菁傷透我的心

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回覆 #20 sunny245 的帖子

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發表於 2007-6-13 13:28:27 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 lovechicken1234 於 2007-6-13 04:19 發表
我真的係澳門遇到過一個對我好好的囡囡.佢而家返左鄉下,我地都有聯絡.我以前叫佢唔好返工陪我,佢就出來陪我, 果時我真的有些愛佢,我當佢女朋友甘.我每次都俾一千元佢因為我覺得唔好意思阻住佢賺錢.我地去行街,夜晚先 ...

最緊要 1)冇性病!~  2) 唔會貪你錢 3) 唔大使  4) 對你好, 真心愛你...  5) 你覺得佢好索
做到 Lee 5 樣...   why not??

香港正當女仔都唔易搵到個做到, 特別係point 4 and 5
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發表於 2007-6-13 13:48:00 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 lks 於 2007-6-13 13:28 發表

最緊要 1)冇性病!~  2) 唔會貪你錢 3) 唔大使  4) 對你好, 真心愛你...  5) 你覺得佢好索
做到 Lee 5 樣...   why not??

香港正當女仔都唔易搵到個做到, 特別係point 4 and 5 ...

So true, LKS.  the point is that she is not doing any sex trading anymore, and if you two like each other, forget the past. and create a new future.  Or think of it this way. she will be an excellent sex companion you will ever have in your life time.. I don't think you "typical" girl can enjoy sex like that..
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發表於 2007-6-13 13:55:43 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 baller4984 於 2007-6-13 13:48 發表

So true, LKS.  the point is that she is not doing any sex trading anymore, and if you two like each other, forget the past. and create a new future.  Or think of it this way. she will be an excellen ...

Also, I am just wondering how those "retired girl" could adjust back to normal life in term of their psychological state. I heard that once they were in the industry, their psychological state has been altered and no way back.  That's a very tricky factor toward the future relationship.
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發表於 2007-6-13 14:28:18 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 baller4984 於 2007-6-13 13:48 發表

she will be an excellent sex companion you will ever have in your life time.. I don't think you "typical" girl can enjoy sex like that..


I 100% agree of that point, her skill i never try in HK gf before.....  and some skill she also not show to client when she work..
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發表於 2007-6-13 14:31:24 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 hamsup_boy 於 2007-6-13 13:55 發表

Also, I am just wondering how those "retired girl" could adjust back to normal life in term of their psychological state. I heard that once they were in the industry, their psychological state has  ...

you a right, That is the problem what i most concern. AND many girl just want to find some guy takecare her life(上岸), not real love with u.

But if your found the girl who really can do those 5 points which I told before....
Why not consider ?

[ 本帖最後由 lks 於 2007-6-13 14:40 編輯 ]
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發表於 2007-6-13 14:40:31 | 顯示全部樓層
Well, I do agree that most "girls" just want to find a man to "take care" of them, but consider this.. She has been with a lot of different guys, so I would say she knows what she want in a relationship. If she likes you for you and not your money. Then she would change her life style for you, because some girls do mind about themselves been in this industry as well. They also want to change, but need major psychological support from their love ones. They are human after all.
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發表於 2007-6-13 14:46:00 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 baller4984 於 2007-6-13 14:40 發表
Well, I do agree that most "girls" just want to find a man to "take care" of them, but consider this.. She has been with a lot of different guys, so I would say she knows what she want in a relationsh ...

Yes, right..
對 2 個人都係考驗....
男的要時間信任, 女的要時間改變.....
但這時間內, 大家都害怕被對方傷害或騙財....  係好有難度..

so, 9成9 case 都係冇結果 law..
最好方法就是大家交往時, 不要給錢女方...
如果 1-2 年你都唔比錢佢 , 佢都對你咁好...... 照計都唔會騙你 la.....

通常如果係為錢為上岸唔係真心的, 你 2-3 次唔比錢...  已經同你 byebye
不過有時有好多 衰人為食霸王餐, 搞到好多囡囡唔會付出真心.....  總之 "同囡囡玩真心" 都係惡搞

睇黎個 forum 真係要開個 topic "戀上囡囡"

[ 本帖最後由 lks 於 2007-6-13 14:52 編輯 ]
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發表於 2007-6-13 15:10:28 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 lovechicken1234 於 2007-6-13 15:07 發表
佢唔會好似菁菁甘問我要錢. 我一開始已經同佢講我無錢.  其實佢都係貪錢,不過唔係大貪,如果唔係佢都唔會讀讀下護士去左澳門做小姐. ...

佢專修秘尿科, 要實習.......

如果真係本性善良, 你又 love 佢, 咪試下 law.... 聽你講你覺得佢冇 cheat 你,  咁就最緊要冇性病 la

[ 本帖最後由 lks 於 2007-6-13 15:11 編輯 ]
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發表於 2007-6-13 15:10:28 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 lovechicken1234 於 2007-6-13 15:07 發表
佢唔會好似菁菁甘問我要錢. 我一開始已經同佢講我無錢.  其實佢都係貪錢,不過唔係大貪,如果唔係佢都唔會讀讀下護士去左澳門做小姐. ...

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發表於 2007-6-13 15:27:50 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 lovechicken1234 於 2007-6-13 15:22 發表
BOND007 兄 10個囡囡9個都話自己點慘點慘,全部都係欺騙人,千萬唔好信.

haha..  其實 10 個囡囡9個都話自己點慘點慘, 有陪份係真人真事.....
只係佢利用 Lee D 真野黎 騙你同情姐...

好似大陸, 越南 D 女, 好多真係搵唔到食, or 生活有困難先入行.... 入左行先學壞.
其實好小好似香港  cc 咁, 入行搵錢全為 shopping.
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 樓主| 發表於 2007-6-13 21:23:29 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 lks 於 13/6/2007 03:28 PM 發表

最緊要 1)冇性病!~  2) 唔會貪你錢 3) 唔大使  4) 對你好, 真心愛你...  5) 你覺得佢好索
做到 Lee 5 樣...   why not??

香港正當女仔都唔易搵到個做到, 特別係point 4 and 5 ...

絕對讚成!點解我要洗咁多錢出來滾?因為平時我接觸到的都是超級女强人 ,她們不需靠男人  ,甚至認為她們的地位遠在男人之上 ,她們真心愛的是事業及挑戰 ,因此第四點可以栅掉 ;女强人通常一喲都唔索 ,冇埋第五點 !正當女仔都好少喺完美架!
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 樓主| 發表於 2007-6-13 21:25:08 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 lks 於 13/6/2007 04:46 PM 發表

Yes, right..
對 2 個人都係考驗....
男的要時間信任, 女的要時間改變.....
但這時間內, 大家都害怕被對方傷害或騙財....  係好有難度..

so, 9成9 case 都係冇結果 law..
最好方法就是大家交往時, 不要給錢女方.. ...

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