樓主: andytse18

San Francisco whore house

發表於 2007-8-11 08:57:37 | 顯示全部樓層
Just come back.......not too good!!
I called three places....one in 20th, one in 21th and one in T
All places are $120...
the mom-mom-san told me that 3 girls in 20th....2 girls in 21th and 2 girls in T
I decide not to go to T since it is too closed to my home.....
I went to 20th first...only one Taiwan left (one japan and one korean were working)........The taiwan looks like 30...5'2"...120 lb....I don't like her figures and she doesnt' look cute...so I say come back later...

Then I went to 21th...one korean and one japanes...
Korean is taller than me...probably 5'9.....big ball..but very soft...
Japanese is about 5'4"....but I consider she is fat.....so...neither is not very good....but I jsut want to shoot out...so..I chose the korean....

anyway..need to go...may write a report later....
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發表於 2007-8-14 02:35:12 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 C9killer 於 2007-8-11 08:57 發表
Just come back.......not too good!!
I called three places....one in 20th, one in 21th and one in T
All places are $120...
the mom-mom-san told me that 3 girls in 20th....2 girls in 21th and 2 girls in ...

Did you call "fat-ma"
The korean one, did she have BIG BREAST , how was it
Looking forward to see your report
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發表於 2007-8-15 08:43:19 | 顯示全部樓層
咁啱我呢個星期又去Bay Area 出差, 見到呢個post, 多謝晒各位!
有幾個問題, 唔知各位可唔可以幫手解答:
1, 星光係咩形式? 夜總會?  通常一般消費幾多?  D女ok嘛?  泊車方唔方便?
2, San Mateo呢頭有咩夜遊活動好介紹
3, Bay Area有邊間Strip Club好去? 尋晚去過Downtown 嘅Gold Club, 把鬼!  $60跳兩個lap dance, 最騎呢係喺台上面就脫, private dance反而唔脫.

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發表於 2007-8-15 10:37:11 | 顯示全部樓層
Brother bannon,
I did call Fat-ma on that day, but I eventually go to other places instead....
About the Korean girl....her breast is very big.....but it is very soft too........

First, she went with me to toilet...and turned on the water.....after she saw me showering...then she stepped out...I finished shower myself...
When I get into the room, she asked me faced down...and put some baby oil in my back...and use her breast to moving around from foot to the neck....about 1 -2 min...
Then, turn around....breast with pen is
Oral for 1-2 min....
Then Sit on me for 1 min....
Face to Face....
Then Back....
I don't really enjoyed it.......

I personally perfect someone is smaller than me....I am 5'7" but most Korean girls is 5'9" and even taller....
other girls either is fat or ugly......

There are no good chicken to eat here....
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發表於 2007-8-15 10:38:58 | 顯示全部樓層
Did you try Center-fold (spelling?) near SF Chinatown?
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發表於 2007-8-15 11:23:48 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Addicted 於 2007-8-15 08:43 發表
咁啱我呢個星期又去Bay Area 出差, 見到呢個post, 多謝晒各位!
有幾個問題, 唔知各位可唔可以幫手解答:
1, 星光係咩形式? 夜總會?  通常一般消費幾多?  D女ok嘛?  泊車方唔方便?
2, San Mateo呢頭有咩夜遊活動好介紹 ...

3, Bay Area有邊間Strip Club好去? 尋晚去過Downtown 嘅Gold Club, 把鬼!  $60跳兩個lap dance, 最騎呢係喺台上面就脫, private dance反而唔脫.

消費 has 3 choice
#1; sit on bar counter, pay depends how much and what you drink, ( $8.00 per beer for new people )
you better ask for the price for the shots.

#2; sofa; at least $20.00 per person

#3; rooms also have different price too, small room is the cheapest around $250, big room cost way more come with i bottle of drinks and a "free" fruit dish ( left over fruit from owner's home )
( i spent $450 their 2 nights ago )

has parking lot next to it, park for "free" at night

girl tips; please pay only $60. ( some FXXKER keep paying $100.00 those FXXKING bg keep ask me for more   ).

2, San Mateo呢頭有咩夜遊活動好介紹
as far as i know is in-house

Bay Area有邊間Strip Club好去?
i personal perfer Crazy-horse

Gold Club does cost a lot due to location and clients, many football, actars go their, is a rap-off place used to own by a taiwaness guy also own kas cat on 4th between bryant & brannan ( he is still the biggest own for kas cat

[ 本帖最後由 bannon 於 2007-8-15 11:31 編輯 ]
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發表於 2007-8-15 11:34:38 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 C9killer 於 2007-8-15 10:37 發表
Brother bannon,
I did call Fat-ma on that day, but I eventually go to other places instead....
About the Korean girl....her breast is very big.....but it is very soft too........

First, she went with ...

can you give me the phone number
$!%   ???    ????
you will be my hero
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發表於 2007-8-15 11:38:08 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 C9killer 於 2007-8-15 10:38 發表
Did you try Center-fold (spelling?) near SF Chinatown?

Too easy to "meet" people, very dangerous
i used to go to the message "2nd" floor, until my girl's friends saw me went up
after i finish walk down she became my Ex girl friend "waiting" for me
after that happen; never go to that area again
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發表於 2007-8-15 15:14:43 | 顯示全部樓層
唔該晒兩位! 我問過酒店lobby個墨仔, 佢話Broadway有幾間strip club可以一個入場費去晒幾間...好似都係Deja Vu集團嘅. 不過咁嘅手法... 諗吓先.
Centerfolds同Crazy Horse可以考慮  不過Star Light有D興趣.
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發表於 2007-8-16 12:36:30 | 顯示全部樓層
Any good place in Little Tokyo/J-Town area (whatever they call it)?  Any Hostess Bar or Massage Parlor?  What's the price range and how are the Japanese girls?  Thanks!
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發表於 2007-8-17 06:38:18 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Addicted 於 2007-8-15 15:14 發表
唔該晒兩位! 我問過酒店lobby個墨仔, 佢話Broadway有幾間strip club可以一個入場費去晒幾間...好似都係Deja Vu集團嘅. 不過咁嘅手法... 諗吓先.
Centerfolds同Crazy Horse可以考慮  不過Star Light有D興趣. ...

Broadway有幾間strip club可以一個入場費去晒幾間
Good luck, make sure you ask before paying for admittion

Centerfolds同Crazy Horse可以考慮:
Crazy Horse d 囡 "look" better

Star Light有D興趣.
thursday to saturday has at least one to three white girl
the best looking one is Sara , but VERY VERY BIG  FAKE breast
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發表於 2007-8-17 07:00:07 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 Addicted 於 2007-8-16 12:36 發表
Any good place in Little Tokyo/J-Town area (whatever they call it)?  Any Hostess Bar or Massage Parlor?  What's the price range and how are the Japanese girls?  Thanks!

Their's a chinese place call either "Karbaki" or kubuki" in the japan town center 2nd floor,
their's also a couple of korean place call Dimples and "flud" ( note; spelling might be wrong, if any bro know the correct spelling, please correct me:)  Thz  ), both places owner by the same owner; "tracy" but one thing i must warm you, becareful when those girls ask you to buy them drinks $10.00 per shot,
and they can ran up you tap very fast because all of the fxxking korean girls can drink, if they can't, they will wait till you go restroom, then pull out the drinks to the sink , and when you come back from the restroom, they will ask you to buy another one ( drinks ) for them , ( i learn that from my ex girl used to work their  saw so many dum guy brough her drinks, then she went "home" with me

As far as message, NO, NOT around japan town, check out my other post, i mention before; their's only one on Jones between O'ferral and Ellis, then their's the one on O'ferral between Jones and Taylor. both place are Vietnamese only, ( the one on jones has 2 that are MIX "i guess white and vietnamese"

What's the price range and how are the Japanese girls

Their's a japanese hostess above Danny's restaurant; BUT are the only and #1 RAP-OFF place in SF
I knew a guy that he told me he spend over $2000.00 just for drinks and buying those japs drinks
worst than Dimples and flur

Good luck and had fun

do post a report and let us know after you have try.
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發表於 2007-8-17 12:23:32 | 顯示全部樓層
Any recommandation for in-house in %!) area?
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發表於 2007-8-19 06:10:10 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 andylam2001 於 2007-8-17 12:23 發表
Any recommandation for in-house in %!) area?

Oakland , never go their, can't help. sorry
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發表於 2007-8-19 09:35:34 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2007-8-21 00:42:04 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 kingken 於 2007-8-1 10:40 發表
thanks for that valuable info man..

i heard Golden flower was one of the best among the Koreans...but I knew about it after it had closed last year.

I wonder where are good massage place + Korean gi ...

Goldern Flower was the best in SF history and even now.  I went there many times and never disappointed.  Too bad for us la.  Hope they can return soon....I was in sunset 21st Ave two weeks ago and will not go back again.  New York City is much better than us in SF.
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發表於 2007-8-23 12:22:15 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 old friend 於 2007-8-21 00:42 發表

Goldern Flower was the best in SF history and even now.  I went there many times and never disappointed.  Too bad for us la.  Hope they can return soon....I was in sunset 21st Ave two weeks ago and ...

Goldern Flower
That place has been close since the "fire bannana ice cream" busted last year. even "bow head" ( the owner ) is in jail now
For me; Lee's was always been my favor

what happen to you at 21st ave
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發表於 2007-8-30 05:37:49 | 顯示全部樓層
唔好啼21街la...又細(ball),又平,  又吹係韓國妹, 其實係朝俗..不過應該return to China la..
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