Life is too short to achieve everything. Care the one you love everyday. Do not waste the golden moments in life. A complete and warm family is already major achievement in life.
Overall, family is basic foundation among all in life.
I have commented before on this story but read it once more because it is re-post.
My situation is like this man. My wife died in 2008. I love her a lot and she did make me a better man. She was a highly educated, and beautiful woman. I was very lucky to be with her for 15 years.
This year I have been dating again. So far I haven't found the right person yet.
The difference is that if I do find the right person, I will treasure the new love and turn a new page in my life.
My experience is that it is now pointless to remember your departed love one and not get into a new relationship after enough time has passed.
The smarter women that I see know about this difficult dynamics that a widower has to face and act with consideration.
Some of the less smart women I saw cannot understand this issue and therefore I did not get on well with them.
Unlike this man, I won't be looking at a photo every night and thinking about the past. If I want to escape loneliness, I will search to the end of the world to find the right woman again.
A man will never forget a woman who changes and makes him to become a better person. Especially the one who is willing to 同甘共苦 with a man is tough to find. Somehow this story touches me. I can feel this man's pain.