發表於 2009-8-31 03:56:06
原帖由 BOND007 於 2009-8-30 23:48 發表
第一, 你所問嘅第一個問題最典型出於Star Trek 中 Mr Spock 嘅邏輯。無論喺九萬分之一機會, 九十萬分之一機會, 或者甚致喺九百萬分之一機會都同所怕嘅事情冇關, 所怕嘅喺如果報告出嚟喺陽性反應點算, 換句話講, 你 ...
The followings are my little opinion:
For point #1:
It is actually difficult to describe how terrifying the case is, unless one has really encountered the same situation (of ML without condom with a bone girl).
Alternatively if a person is in an extreme case of feeling frustrated and/or meaningless with life, he may not actually be afraid of death and that sense of terror may not be applicable to him in the case. (After all, survival is the prerequisite to live and to continue to pursue any targets in human life. One may only live for one and only one time in life.)
For point #2:
From my personal experience, observation and interpretation, I think whether a bone girl is likely to automatically offer ML without condom depends on the following criteria (in descending order of importance): (1) whether she likes you or not, (2) whether she thinks you are "clean" or not, (3) her personality, (4) her country or city of origin (and its culture). Of course, there can be other cases like she wants to get more $$$ from you.
I have been offered ML without condom for several times before in different Macau saunas (but of course I have not accepted any of them except that "accident" in a HK sauna as I have described previously). I have found that Koreans and Mongolians especially like to make this type of offers automatically, and I think it should be related to their culture. Other cases are related to bone girls from the Mainland.
[ 本帖最後由 super2006 於 2009-8-31 03:59 編輯 ] |