This is the PERFECT day to share this magical song with you.
Created by Swedish animator The Artist On The Border the film is inspired by the love letters Syd wrote to his girlfriends Libby Gausden Chisman and Jenny Spires in the heady, magical late Sixties when Pink Floyd were setting out on the road to fame.
I knew a girl and I like her still
She said she knew she would trust me
And I, her will
I said, "Ok baby, tell me what you'll be
And I'll lay my head down and see what I see"
By the time she was back by her open eyes
I knew that I was in for a big surprise
I knew a girl and I like her still
She said she knew she would trust me
And I, her will
I said, "Ok baby, tell me what you'll be
And I'll lay my head down and see what I see"
By the time she was back by her open eyes
I knew that I was in for a big surprise