發表於 2022-8-3 12:23:42
iandbilly91 發表於 2022-8-2 12:13 
囡囡1,新相識,星期一13:39 v7 msg:
As you can see overall the whole world/Hong Kong business condition is super bad and it will not be good until 2024 for sure.
So, lots of Ching start to reduce the visit frequency then most of the lady start doing cold call and try to maintain the income.
If all the lady can provide better service then the business still not that bad but due to they think no new supply from China. All the Ching no matter how bad is the service still need to paid to release their stress.
Life is so simply that no money will die in Hong Kong. If other cost cannot reduce then 100% sure reduce this cost at the first time. |