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Sha Tin, the Most Popular Bike Route









發表於 2021-11-13 10:13:39 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Sha Tin to Tai Po Waterfront Park Route (16 kilometers): From the Sha Tin MTR station, exit New Town Plaza, go past the City Hall, and onto the promenade/bike path along the Shing Mun River. Take it eastwards to the Pak Shek Kok Promenade and continue along the bike path to Tai Po's Waterfront Park that is a big flower garden. This route would take 3 hours going leisurely.
Sha Tin Easy Loop Route (3 kilometers): From the Sha Tin Central Park in front of City Hall (next to New Town Plaza), ride along the Shing Mun River to the Heritage Museum and back through the winding park paths.
For: Casual bikers, families, senior citizens, kids. Road and touring bikes.
Kind of path: Paved pathway on level ground especially prepared for bikers.
Fame: Sha Tin has lots of bike routes going in every direction. This most popular road bike path in Hong Kong goes along the Shing Mun River. Parks everywhere, free playgrounds and gardens, water scenery, snack places, and lots of free public bathrooms makes this ideal for a family outing.
Attractions: The Heritage Museum, big New Town Plaza Mall, the Shing Mun River, fascinating Hong Kong Science Park, Pak Shek Kok Promenade, and the Tolo Harbour Cycling Track that is called the most beautiful cycling area in Hong Kong are just some of the attractions in the area.
Length: depends on you.
Feature: Prepared family road cycling routes in an interesting and scenic area of Hong Kong.
While the Hong Kong urban area is congested and discourages cyclists, Sha Tin was built to be family and biking friendly with bike paths for easy travel and recreation. Sha Tin is a city in itself and is like a residential suburb of Hong Kong. Why not take advantage of it?

Choose where to go yourself. You could cycle eastwards along the north bank of the Shing Mun River (it looks like a canal) past the Hong Kong Jockey Club Race Course to the Pak Shek Kok Promenade. The Hong Kong Science Park with its buildings and places to eat might interest you. Tai Po's Waterfront Park has a big flower garden where you can end your ride.

You could also continue to the beautiful scenic area of Tai Mei Tuk along the Tolo Harbour Cycling Track. The whole distance on the bike route to Tai Mei Tuk from the Sha Tin Park near the city hall is about 19 kilometers. What makes the going easy is both the quality of the pavement and the many signs showing the way.

Alternatively, for a short easy ride, just take the promenade/bike path along the Shing Mun River westwards, and in a few minutes you'll be at the Heritage Museum that you could visit and continue to ride in Sha Tin's bike paths. Kids in particular might want to see Sha Tin Park's big playgrounds.
發表於 2021-11-13 16:28:28 | 顯示全部樓層

沙田至大埔海濱公園幹線(16公里):從沙田港鐵站出新城市廣場,經過市政廳,沿城門河沿海濱長廊/單車徑行駛。 向東行駛至白石角海濱長廊,沿單車徑前行至大埔海濱公園,這是一個大型花園。 這條路線要悠閒地走3個小時。
沙田環線(3 公里):從市政廳前的沙田中央公園(新城市廣場旁)出發,沿城門河騎行至文化博物館,然後穿過蜿蜒的公園小徑返回。
適用於:休閒騎手、家庭、老年人、兒童。 公路和旅遊自行車。
路徑類型: 平地上鋪設的路徑,專為騎自行車的人準備。
名氣:沙田有很多自行車道,四通八達。 這條香港最受歡迎的公路自行車道沿城門河而行。 隨處可見的公園、免費的遊樂場和花園、水景、小吃店和許多免費的公共浴室使這裡成為家庭出遊的理想選擇。
景點:文化博物館、大型新城市廣場購物中心、城門河、迷人的香港科學園、白石角海濱長廊和被稱為香港最美麗單車區的吐露港單車徑只是其中的一部分 該地區的景點。
雖然香港市區交通擁堵,騎自行車者望而卻步,但沙田的建造是為了適合家庭和騎自行車,並設有自行車道,方便旅行和娛樂。 沙田本身就是一座城市,就像香港的郊區住宅。 為什麼不好好利用呢?

自己選擇去哪裡。 您可以沿著城門河北岸(它看起來像一條運河)向東騎行,經過香港賽馬會馬場,到達白石角海濱長廊。 香港科學園及其建築和餐飲場所可能會讓您感興趣。 大埔海濱公園有一個大花園,您可以在那裡結束騎行。

您也可以沿著吐露港單車徑繼續前往風景秀麗的大美督。 從市政廳附近的沙田公園到大美督的自行車道全程約19公里。 路面的質量和指示道路的許多標誌使出行變得輕鬆。

或者,如果想要輕鬆騎行,只需沿著城門河向西走海濱長廊/自行車道,幾分鐘後您就會到達文化博物館,您可以參觀並繼續在沙田的自行車道騎行。 孩子們可能特別想看看沙田公園的大型遊樂場。
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