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寬容是永遠的習題 |
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為妳鍾情!情濃生愛,愛久成緣,緣起緣滅,隨我同行。 每次你的離去,都會帶給我千萬磅的悲痛。 倘若離去是快樂,回來又代表什麼! 菩提本無樹,明鏡亦非台,本來無一物,何處惹塵埃。 人生幾回十字路口過,命運多少喜怒哀樂常。 |
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Even now when I have come so far
I wonder where you are, I wonder why it's still so hard without you Even now when I come shining through I swear I think of you, And how I wish you knew Even now |
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To dream the impossible dream is a dream impossible, living the impossible dream is living out a dream possible.
If you do have a dream, if you are dreaming, now is the time to rise up from your seat and get off from the net, we'll see each others on the street. |