本帖最後由 Johnnyngai 於 2020-1-6 08:55 編輯
I also posted this report on the Taiwan forum using the username JohnNgai.
週二上午 離開雅加達,在新加坡Woodland Crossing乘坐過境巴士過境,
下午晚些時候抵達新山。 雅加達報告已經發布了
晚上9點左右前往Grand Paragon Hotel Spa。我告訴經理,一個普通的越南姑娘就可以,
不需要漂亮的姑娘。經理給了我 十分漂亮的越南姑娘。她試圖促我快完事,
星期一,我去柔佛新山之前,我和一個漂亮的年輕女孩在Grand LA 雅加達 度過了愉快的時光。
她有紅色的淚 眼睛,她告訴我她病了。我沒有在任何地方親吻她,
去了Banana Pub & Bistro 樓上的蘋果按摩店。180myr 的越南姑娘還可以,
但淋浴間比去年 更骯髒和更多黴菌。
去了IVF Bridge Fertility Centre 旁邊的漂亮按摩店。
由於8天前我在 Grand Paragon Hotel spa 的糟糕經歷,
我去了 City Square / Merlin Tower link bridge 尋找milf.
原來,所有熟女都聚集在Belllo Hotel 對面的美食廣場中。我浪費了兩個晚上,一無所有。
*** The original English version ***
The Jakarta Report was posted five days ago.
I left Jakarta on Tuesday morning, took the cross border bus at the
Singapore Woodland crossing and arrived at Johor Bahru in the late afternoon.
Went to Grand Paragon Hotel Spa at around 9pm. I told the manager
that an ordinary Vietnam girl would do, no need for a beautiful one.
The manager sent me a near perfect ten. She tried to rush me to finish
and I used my smart phone translator to tell her “ slow, I am an old man.”
When I had to use the phone to tell her the same thing the third time,
she put on her cloths and ran out the door. I should have insisted on
getting an ordinary young Vietnam girl. I wasted 238myr.
On Monday,before I left for Johor Bahru, I had a good time at
Grand LA Jakarta with a nice young girl. She had red watery eyes and
she told me she was sick. I didn’t kiss her anywhere, but I fell sick
with the flu and bronchitis three days later in Johor Bahru.
I lost eight days of fun and paid a 138myr doctor bill.
Went to Apple massage, located on top of Banana Pub & Bistro.
The 180myr Vietnam girl was ok, but the common use shower stalls
were dirtier and moldier than last year.
Went to the nice massage shop next to IVF Bridge Fertility Centre.
The rooms were as nice as a 2 star hotel room, but I can only
choose from photos. Some of the girls were heavier than me.
Went to the City Square / Merlin Tower link bridge to look for a milf,
because of my bad experience at the Grand Paragon Hotel spa 8 days ago.
It turned out that the milf are all congregated in the food court
across from the Belllo Hotel. I wasted two evenings for nothing.
The photos below were taken 3 weeks ago:

Chinese seafood restaurants across from Plaza Santosa Plaza Santosa 對面的中國海鮮餐館

Fat and cheap ones available in front of this two hotel 這兩家酒店前 有肥胖便宜的

Fuck shops 雞肉店
房間和二星級酒店房間一樣的好,但我只能從照片中選擇女孩。 有些女孩體重比我更重。
The rooms were as nice as a 2 star hotel room, but I can only choose from photos.
Some of the girls were heavier than me.

My favorite vegetarian restaurant 我最喜歡的素食餐廳
聖淘沙廣場對面的越南餐館 the Vietnam restaurants across from Plaza Santosa
Ladyboy shop ? 妖妖店 ?
photo taken at the Woodland crossing bridge, giant housing construction project being built by mainland Chinese
在Woodland crossing bridge拍攝的照片, 中國大陸承包商, 正在建造的巨型住房建設項目
No full service from this place 這個地方沒有全套服務

inside Plaza Santosa Plaza Santosa 裡面
Good buy from a Plaza Santosa shoe store 從 Plaza Santosa 鞋店購買的, 買鞋買閪買蟹, 香港諧音
I need sinus rinse to clear some possible sinus trouble,
but I couldn’t find any sinus rinse in Jakarta high end drug stores.
I finally found it in Johor Bahru two weeks later.
Old people should not spend too many days in Jakarta due to their lack of common western medicine.
我需要沖洗鼻竇, 以清除一些可能的鼻竇不適,但在雅加達高端藥房中, 我找不到沖洗鼻竇劑 。
兩週後,我終於在新山 Johor Bahru 找到了它。由於缺乏 常用的西藥,老年人不應在雅加達度過太多的日子。
聖淘沙廣場對面的越南餐館 您會在餐廳發現帶有越南女孩的新加坡師兄
Vietnam restaurants across from Plaza Santosa, you will find Singapore C hings with their Vietnam girls.
advertising sign located across from AEON Mall Tebrau City Shopping Centre
AEON Mall Tebrau City Shopping Centre 對面的廣告招牌, 一線鮑 ? 一線鮑 ?
Strolling along the red marking and you will find a few massage parlors with dark glass door.
You can’t look in,but they can see you. Those are the 198myr fuck shops.
Plaza Sentosa has the VIP spa on the 4[sup]th[/sup] floor, 238myr nice young Vietnam girl.
The massage parlors with luxurious looking store fronts only offer sneaky hj.
I usually don’t go to hotel spas because I don't want to pay 40myr extra
for steam sauna and greasy food.
沿著紅線漫步,您會發現一些帶有深色玻璃門的按摩店。 您看不到裡面,但他們可以看到您。
那些是198myr 的屌店。 聖淘沙廣場(Plaza Sentosa)在4樓設有VIP水療中心,238myr漂亮的年輕越南姑娘。
外觀豪華的按摩店只提供偷偷摸摸的hj。 我通常不去酒店的水療場,因為我不想為了蒸汽桑拿和油膩的食物多付40馬幣。