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[印尼] 退休老人 廉價雅加達經驗 有照片

發表於 2020-1-6 06:18:01 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
場所種類: SPA
名稱: 退休老人 廉價雅加達經驗 有照片
消費: $500以下
本帖最後由 Johnnyngai 於 2020-1-6 06:27 編輯

   這報告的原裝英文版, 和其他照片在第二和三頁。

    Long web pages with many photos make me dizzy: therefore,
I divided  this report in three pages to save my eyes.   
The original English version of  this report and miscellaneous
photos are in the second and third page.  

我在下面提到的所有商店都可以在Google地圖中找到。        我的經驗如下:

Hotel Travel:我第一次訪問雅加達,我知道的唯一兩個地方是  
Hotel Travel and Hotel Classic 。由於初哥的運氣,前三趟旅行,
她仍然給我展示了黑臉,並要求我最少100idr 上以的小費。
Hotel Travel 最新的每小時費用為375,000idr。

我通常從Mangga Besar 公交車站步行到Hotel Travel。

Mangga Besar  的照片如下:

I usually walk from the Mangga Besar busway station to Hotel Travel.
See the map for the red walking path to “ New Kimochi Mabes 2 “
     看地圖的紅色步行道,我步行去 “ New KimochiMabes 2 ”
     “ CHERRY KARAOKE LOUNGE MASSAGE ”   “  HotelTravel ”






    華人 腳仔店   


       New Kimochi Mabes 2,460idr / 90分鐘,新的房間沒有像 Sugar按摩的一樣好。
我幹了一個 有點胖的30歲女,沒有明顯分娩過的標記 , 由於她的好態度,我給她50小費  

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Hotel Classic:除了在第三次拜訪 Classic,我都有很美好的經歷。
有一個會說英語的女孩,她有西方遊客喜愛的身形,  這個老女孩有一個麻煩。
她的職業生涯已經走下坡,   不過她仍然回想在 高檔俱樂部當紅牌的日子。
在第三次拜訪 Classic中,我住進了 POP! Hotel, 僅距Classic Hotel 200米。
我上個月沒有去Classic,因為我在第三次旅行中 已經嘗試了Classic的三個樓層。
2018年12月, 第三次拜訪 Classic 每小時費用為 365,000idr。

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   我最喜歡的雅加達地區,Blok M     照片在下面:

          Blok M MRT站下方的乞丐


         Aquarius 按摩 全程 555idr / 90分鐘, Metropolis 按摩 全程 385idr / hr,
在第二次和第三次旅行中,我在這兩家商店都有很好的體驗。Metropolis 的 hj收費是 145 + 50,
出門時向收銀員付款。我在 2019年11月尾的旅行沒有得到正常的女孩。
我相信這是因為最近建成的地鐵站僅在 200米之遙,他們擁有更多的客戶。
他們不需要 像我這樣的的路過顧客來佔用他們的好女孩。

         Blok M Plaza Tri Tunggal 貨幣兌換商的對匯率非常好。

            Blok M 日式餐廳。

             Metropolis按摩 下方的日本麵館還可以, 但味精和鹽太重了.

           我最喜歡的 Blok M 日本麵館  




        我最喜歡的兩家麵條店,在Glodok 的一家麵館供應扁米粉。

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一個退休老人的半天。        在Starmoon酒吧享受歡樂時光 fj特惠價,
一小時年輕的胖女孩 320 +50小費,在Pangeran Jayakarta公交專用道站乘公交車到
Gunung Sahari Mangga Dua 2公交專用道站下車,在Mangga Dua廣場購物中心用餐和購物。
請參閱下面的 Mangga Dua Square Mall 照片:

       Mangga Dua Square Mall 機場巴士站的確切位置

           家樂福超市的水果很好。alpukat avocado 牛油果



       我剪了頭髮 45,000idr,理髮師用吸塵器清理碎髮。

      購物中心的 Platinum Exchange 對匯率極佳。

      黃線是我必須走的道。 紅線是公共汽車載我的路。

                   從 Starmoon Bar 到 Pangeran Jayakarta公交專用站的步行,  是十分愉快的。

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相同與Travel或Classic的 女孩和服務。我只用了五分鐘就步出了主樓門。
   下面的照片都是在 CHERRY KARAOKE LOUNGE MASSAGE  100米範圍內拍攝的 :

          如果您晚上8點以後 在Cherry區漫步,您會看到自由職業雞。

      酒水費 和 房間費

           酒水費 和 房間費

         酒水費 和 房間費

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  雅加達唐人街  = Glodok     以下所有照片均在 Glodok 區域內拍攝:


          在Chabdra大廈內,有兩個美食廣場。 一樓有更多的選擇,二樓有一個小型演唱舞台。

         這個 Maxim 內有一家小型但不錯的點心店。 Hotel Classic 比鄰 80米也有 Joni Steak 牛排館。


            Google地圖上,它表明我可以乘坐M12巴士從GlodokHotel Classic


      320 + 50 = 一小時?


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   Olimo巴士站:Apartemen Mediterania Gajah Mada 是Olimo車站前的高端華人地點。

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   Sugar massage:      照片是在 Sugar massage 300米範圍內拍攝的.



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 樓主| 發表於 2020-1-6 06:30:35 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Johnnyngai 於 2020-1-6 06:36 編輯

我使用Chrome網絡翻譯器 在印尼語網站 KASKUS上搜索了不同的按摩店。

* Honey Massage 乘坐8號巴士很容易到達。
我在一個小房間裡被一個年輕的胖女孩hj。 150 + 50tip。
同一小區內還有兩個按摩院。我沒有記下名字。 我浪費了時間和金錢。

  * Rizz Mens Health andRelax:
我使用手機翻譯器告知接待員,我從KASKUS 了解到他們的
“僅限hj按摩”,但接待員仍以英語回復 “不是這裡”。   可能 Rizz 不服務遊客。

  * Bliss Massage:  
在 Kedoya Green Garden 站 乘坐8號巴士很容易到達,
我花了 280idr 購買了topless + PM + CK + MMC + CIM + VIP 套餐。
我進了房間,看到房間 和 milf,我告訴她 “你可以保持你的襯衫”。   我浪費了時間和金錢。

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在這次旅行中,在最後的一個週末 我經歷了最好的經歷,也遇到了最黑暗的運氣。

   * Starmoon Bar 金魚缸:
我在 歡樂時光(15:00-20:00)我從一個年輕的胖女孩那裡得到了
fj320 + 50tips 。房間很舊,有些暗,十分之七的女人都是胖的 30歲,

   * New Royal 酒吧:390+ 0小費?  
一個肥胖的年輕漂亮 女孩給我 fj。她沒有分娩過的標記,
甚至還給了我一些天然潤滑劑。      我喜歡這個。

  * GrandLA:
我兩次以 350+ 80tips 的價格幹同一個女孩。我星期五做了她,她的閪很臭。

        Starmoon,New Royal Bar 和 Grand LA 都在房間裡提供免費瓶裝水。

   The origianl English Version     The origianl English Version   


Grass is always greener in distant land?  I used Chrome web translator  
to search the Indonesian language site KASKUS for different massage shops.   
I ended up wasting my time in the following shops:   

   *  Honey Massage is easy to get to by the #8bus.   
I got a hj by a young fat girl in a small room.150 + 50tip.  
There were two other massage parlors in the same block; I didn’t note down the names.  

      * Rizz Mens Health and Relax : I used my phone translator to inform the receptionist  
that I learned about their “hj only massage” from KASKUS,  
but the receptionist still replay in English “not here”.      May be Rizz doesn’t do tourist.   

      * Bliss Massage is easy to get to by bus #8 at the Kedoya Green Garden stop :  
I paid 280 for a package of  topless + PM + CK + MMC + CIM  + VIP room.  
I went inside the room, saw the room and the milf,  
I told her “ok to leave your shirt on”.       I wasted my time and money.  

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        On this trip, I had my best experience and my darkest luck on my last week.  

       * Starmoon Bar fish bowl: I went in during happy hour (15:00 -20:00 ).  
I got fj from a young fat girl for 320 +50tips.  The room is old and somewhat dark,  
seven out of ten ladies were 30 and fat, but the price is good.  
    *  New Royal Bar :  390 + 0 tips? I got a fj from a fat pretty young girl.  
She had no baby damage and she even gave me some natural lubricant.  This I like.   
   * Grand LA:   I did the same girl twice for 350 +80tips each time.  
I did her on Friday and her pussy stunk.  I tipped her 80 and suggested  
to put a mint candy in her pussy.  She was a little mad at me, but she knew that I like her.  
Went back to her 4 days later, my last evening in Jakarta, her pussy no longer stunk.   
She had red watery eyes and she told me she was sick.  I didn’t kiss her anywhere,  
but I fell sick with the flu and bronchitis three days later in Johor Bahru.   
I lost eight days of fun and paid a 138myr doctor bill.   

        Starmoon,New Royal Bar and Grand LA, all had free bottles of water in their rooms.   
I used the water to take my Viagra;  I like all three bars.      


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 樓主| 發表於 2020-1-6 06:44:27 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 Johnnyngai 於 2020-1-6 06:54 編輯

Sunda Kelapa harbor dock, 港口碼頭位於 Glodok 以北。
不要花超過一小時的觀光時間。 這個港口使我想起了50年前的香港,
因為這港口漂浮著極臭的人糞便。Sunda Kelapa harbor dock is north of Glodok.
It is only worth one hour of sightseeing time.  
This harbor reminded me of Hong Kong 50 years ago because
there was actually stinky human feces floating in the harbor.

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          雞按摩 連鎖店   

          我去過 Sugar 和 Metropolis

        位於二樓的Malio gogo 酒吧 可容納100名高端女孩。
二樓還有一個較小的啤酒吧,有20至30名 非舞蹈 自由職業雞。
我只去了gogo酒吧。 一些gogo舞女孩穿著 魚網式背心,很性感的小乳頭 從一寸直徑的 魚網孔中露出。
大樓入口內的收銀員告訴我,最低消費 為150。  這個很大的gogo酒吧 值得我 301,840idr 的第一次
       The Malio gogo bar with up to 100 high end girls is located on the second floor.
The second floor also has a smaller beer bar with 20 to 30 non-dancing freelancers.
I only visited the gogo bar.Some of the gogo dancers wore fish net type tank tops,
with their small nipples sticking out of the one inch diameter fish net holes.  
The cashier inside the building entrance informed me that the minimum fee is 150.
This big Malio gogo bar was worth my first time 301,840idr  visit.


         我需要沖洗鼻竇 以清除一些可能的鼻竇不適,但在雅加達高端藥房中 我找不到沖洗鼻竇劑 。
兩週後,我終於在新山 Johor Bahru 找到了它。 由於缺乏 常用的西藥,老年人不應在雅加達度過太多的日子。

         在全新的雅加達 地鐵列車,您喜歡哪一個?

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在柔佛新山 Johor Bahru 的十二天中,由於 一名 Grand LA 女孩給我的流感,我病了八天。  幾天后 我將會寫 一份簡短的柔佛報告。

The below is the original English version of my Jakarta report :
         I have been to Jakarta four times and I do not speak Bahasa.  
I was in Jakarta on 12-2017 for 10 days,04-2018 for 10 days, 12-2018 for 15 days,
and 11-2019 for 22 days. I picked the above dates because in Jakarta,
the beginning and end of the rainy season has the cleanest air.
All the stores that I mentioned below can be found in the Google map.   

My experiences are below:

Hotel Travel:   The first time that I visited Jakarta,
the only two places that I know were Travel and Classic.   
Due to my beginner’s luck I had nothing  but
good experiences in Travel until this latest trip.  
The first time I visited Travel in 12-2017,
I only tipped the girls 30 -50idr each because I was ignorant.  
After I read different comments on different web sites,
I tipped the girls 80idr each time.  
I was well received by all except this one last month.
Last month, I got this English speaking girl with a body that was
favorite by Western tourists. She must have been used to getting 100 or more
from big spending Western tourists. Even though I informed all girls
at the beginning of the session with my smart phone
“ no kissing, no massage, no oral sex, simple sexual intercourse only” ,
she still showed me the black face and demanded more than 80.   
The latest hourly fee is 375,000idr.  I usually walk from the Mangga Besar busway station to Hotel Travel.   
           The photos of Mangga Besar are below :
       Chinese restaurant   
       Chinese restaurant   
       In the evening, many food stalls operate on the pedestrian paths
       Chinese businesses
        Chinese Temple
      Chinese footsie
            New Kimochi Mabes 2,  460idr / 90 minutes all in, new rooms almost as nice as the ones in Sugar massage.
I got a slightly fat30 year old with no obvious baby damage, I tip her 50 because of her good attitude.  

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My favorite Jakarta area, Blok M:     Photos directly below:      

       Beggar below Blok M MRT station
        Japanese girlie club

          Aquarius massage 555idr/90min all in and Metropolis massage 385idr/hr all in,
I had very good experiences with both shops on my second and third trip.
The hj only fee for Metropolis is 145 + 50, pay the cashier on your way out.  
I didn’t get any normal girls for my last trip.
I believe it is because with the recently completed MRT station only 200 meters away,
they are having many more customers.  They don’t need casual customers like myself to take up their nice girls.
          Tri Tunggal Money Changer at the Blok M Plaza has really good rates.  
         Blok M Japanese restaurant.
        The Japanese noodle house right below Metropolis is ok, except being too heavy on msg and salt.  
         My favorite Blok M Japanese noodle shop
        I like the cartoon store front decorations on this Japanese restaurant.
        My two favorite noodle shops, the one in Glodok serves flat rice noodle.  
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CHERRY KARAOKE LOUNGE MASSAGE:   I went to the second floor on a Sat.
evening, there was only about 10 girls there. The mama gave me the price of 600
for the same girl and service as Travel or Classic. I went in and out the
main building door in only five minutes.
They didn't charge me a facility fee for my five minutes.  

         The photos below were all taken within 100 meters of CHERRY KARAOKE LOUNGE MASSAGE.  
        I you were to stroll around the spa area after 8pm, you will see freelancers.  
       Fee for drinks and rooms

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All the photos below were taken within the Glodok area :  

320 + 50 =one hour ?         day time ghost ?
On the Google map, it showed that I can take the M12 bus to go from Glodok to Hotel Classic.
When I waited for the bus at the Glodok stop, this was the bus.  
I tried this massage 2 years ago, it was a waste of my time and money.
Inside the Chandra Building, there are two food courts.
The ground floor has more choices,and the second floor has a small singing stage.           
The buffet price doesn’t include tax and service charge.
This Maxim has a small but good dim sum shop inside.
There is also a Joni Steak 80 meters away from Hotel Classic.  
      Indonesian beggars in Glodok  

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Olimo bus way stop :  Apartemen Mediterania Gajah Mada is a
high end Chinese location in front of the Olimo station.   
Area photos are below :  

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Sugar massage : photos were taken within 300 meters of Sugar Massage

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Miscellaneous photos are below :   
         Chicken  shop franchises   
        I have been to Suger and Metropolis  

       My most recent photo

        I need sinus rinse to clear some possible sinus trouble,
but I couldn’t find any sinus rinse in Jakarta high end drug stores.  
I finally found it in Johor Bahru two weeks later.   
Old people should not spend too many days in Jakarta due to their lack of common western medicine.

        Inside the all new Jakarta metro,  which one do you like ?

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After twenty two days in Jakarta, I stayed in Johor Bahru for another twelve days.
Out of the twelve Johor Bahru days, I was sick for eight days due to the flu from a Grand LA girl.
          I also have a short Johor Bahru  report in this forum.   

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發表於 2020-1-6 10:33:47 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 Johnnyngai ##1 的帖子

Enjoyed your photos greatly, can we have more?
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 樓主| 發表於 2020-1-6 10:52:44 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 Fedora339 ##4 的帖子

No more trip for the next three months.   
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 樓主| 發表於 2020-1-7 06:16:44 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 rwu211 ##6 的帖子

Jakarta is no where as nice as Bangkok, but their pussies are much cheaper.
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發表於 2020-1-7 13:13:12 | 顯示全部樓層
Johnnyngai 發表於 2020-1-7 06:16
回復 rwu211 ##6 的帖子

Jakarta is no where as nice as Bangkok, but their pussies are much cheaper.

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發表於 2020-1-7 16:12:42 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2020-1-9 17:35:32 | 顯示全部樓層
Johnnyngai 發表於 2020-1-7 06:16
回復 rwu211 ##6 的帖子

Jakarta is no where as nice as Bangkok, but their pussies are much cheaper.

Jarkata Girl pussies very cheap and affordable, i think you very difficult to find any girl with age 20 to 17  young and pretty only need USD 25  per shoot , with such quality at bangkok i think at least need USD50 - USD 75  .
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發表於 2020-1-9 17:47:37 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 Johnnyngai ##3 的帖子

Bro Johnny , Nice sharing  .........  

I persoanlly very like Jarkata MM  , very SYT and price very cheap and i can speak Indo may be this is one reason.

Travel around at jarkata , you can take GrabBike or Gojek ( both are Indo Motor cycle app ) , very cheap and convenience, per trip only cost you RP 10K  -30K  , depend distance.  
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 樓主| 發表於 2020-1-10 06:01:52 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 flowking88 ##13 的帖子

Bangkok is expensive, but if you speak Thai, you can find young cheap ones in small Thai cities.
I don't speak Thai or Indonesian.

Young fat girl with no baby damage = 320,000idr + 50,000idr tip = 370,000idr = 798baht = complete.     Jakarta Starmoon fuck bar during happy hour (15:00-20:00 ).
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 樓主| 發表於 2020-1-10 06:04:44 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 flowking88 ##14 的帖子

Are you from Singapore ?

The 3500idr TransJakarta bus way is good enough for me.
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發表於 2020-1-12 17:55:03 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 flowking88 於 2020-1-12 17:58 編輯

回復 Johnnyngai ##16 的帖子

I am from Malaysia , I have nice experience at Starmoon Bar & MRT Club 1 , both are located at Jalan Pangeran JayaKarta , i go there during night time 11.00Pm , no need worry about the safety at jarkata , i feel quite secure even i walkalone during late night, Jalan Pangeran Jayakata whole street heard is managed by ganster (Laksar Merah Putih), so i think nobody dare create anything stupid at that area affect their business and scare their customers .
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 樓主| 發表於 2020-1-13 14:12:00 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 flowking88 ##18 的帖子

I got a young fat girl with no baby damage for only 320 + 50 tip at the Starmoon bar HAPPY HOUR.

I can't find MRT Club 1 on the Jakarta google map.      
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