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[揾女心得] 京之舞孃@30/8

發表於 2008-8-31 22:03:28 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
30/8 一行幾人(有男有女)到澳門一日遊,同其中一位朋友約好7:00pm到新葡京睇瑪莉亞。早左少少約6:30pm到達新葡京,由於我係喺信德明星買飛(HK$250),要去新葡京換番兩張入場券。點知畫位嗰時最正既F10已經比人畫左,惟有要左F7同F8啦。6:55pm入場,有幾個疑似日本客買左蛋糕西餅比工作人員,唔知係唔係比d Dancers 食呢?

好喇,7:00pm 開場,第一幕係全員大匯演(不過好似無瑪莉亞)。雖然呢幕無人剝衫,但係我就最鍾意呢一幕。一開始就見到7個Dancers著哂和服,其中一位Dancer仲表現木屐"剔撻"舞,之後各位Dancers就開始表演日本傳統擊鼓(好有民族特色)。之後淨番一位Dancer外,其他都入番去後台。第二幕隨即開始喇,呢位Dancer我唔知佢係乜水(同Official site個位好似唔同),都幾靚女,跳左陣舞就開始背住我地剝衫喇,佢套和服越剝越少,最後乜都剝哂,仲有兩位Dancers拎埋對高跟鞋出嚟畀佢換添,佢嘅皮膚好白好滑,不過個胸就有d假囉。第三幕係一位年紀比較大既中女跳Tango,呢個我又唔知叫乜名,不過佢既舞技一定係冠絕全場,之後佢就到台前中央的轉台大解放,Background Music係Madonna既Miles Away,唔知係我聽到好歌發溫定比佢既舞技吸引,我覺得佢每次望去我個排都係咁電我,卡卡。完左之後就係間場,終於見小瑪莉亞同兩個Dancers出嚟跳左陣舞,可惜還未到佢正式出場,相信要等到壓軸喇。第四幕出場係一個叫HIRO嘅高妹,呢位高妹我係Rockza official site都搵唔到佢既資料,我覺得呢個高瘦平HIRO幾得,佢對長腿起碼有42吋以上,佢主要都係跳番日本傳統舞,當然最後又係一絲不掛到轉台表現各種pose啦,我個friend就好buy佢喇。第五幕緊接而嚟,Dancer都係著日本傳統和服,呢幕主角換左羽田夕夏,相信好多CHing都識佢,不過真人有d肥同個乳葷超大,佢比較少大動作,主要都係喺台前擺下pose咁啦。第六幕個主角叫長谷川凜,我唔否認佢跳得好有Heart,不過佢心口上對反地心吸力嘅警鐘令我有點怪怪既感覺。好喇,第七幕終於到瑪莉亞出場,佢玩Bondage服加跳Rock舞,跳得好狂野,真人同上鏡都係好靚,好好身材。跳完一輪勁舞之後,佢就開始除衫同到台中央擺pose,佢真係好可愛同笑得好甜,仲係咁放電。當中坐我個friend隔離嘅CHing(F9位)比佢電到high哂,一路隨著強勁既音樂節拍un身un勢仲一路拍手,瑪莉亞見到佢咁支持佢都笑得好甜(唔知嗰位CHing睇唔睇到呢篇包膠呢)。最後一幕又係全員大匯演,今次各位主角無著上衫一齊玩大羽扇,仲有幾條毛飄左落嚟添,CHing唔好誤會,係羽毛渣,螢光幕仲逐一介紹佢地個名添,無甚特別,不過作為結束也算ok啦。


其中一首Background Music(英文歌)好Rock 好強勁,出現左至少3次,唔知有無CHing知係乜歌,謝謝。


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發表於 2008-8-31 22:22:17 | 顯示全部樓層
thx for sharing.
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發表於 2008-9-1 04:46:31 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #1 foreveralixa 的帖子

Thank you for your detail report
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發表於 2008-9-1 10:09:53 | 顯示全部樓層
啱啱個星期六下晝睇左一場,小澤瑪利亞雖然唔係我杯茶(太過鬼妹feel﹑皮膚唔白﹑穿臍環﹑有公仔紙,仲有佢後期嘅AV小弟實在不敢恭維... just個人意見),但公平啲講,佢身形真係好靚好正,而佢今次都可以講係無欺場,表情做足放生電,表現算係有板有眼,睇得出佢係有練過嘅,唔係求求其其行行企企出場兩三分鐘就算,可能佢第時真係會轉做正式嘅舞孃掛。


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發表於 2008-9-1 12:15:42 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 nokia 於 2008-9-1 10:09 AM 發表
啱啱個星期六下晝睇左一場,小澤瑪利亞雖然唔係我杯茶(太過鬼妹feel﹑皮膚唔白﹑穿臍環﹑有公仔紙,仲有佢後期嘅AV小弟實在不敢恭維... just個人意見),但公平啲講,佢身形真係好靚好正,而佢今次都可以講係無欺場,表情做足放生電,表現 ...

I was there and can 100% verify what is said here.

1. Maria did her best in the dance. Some of the positions she has to make are not easy at all and she gave all she could. Deserve a big clap for her.
2. I saw the man you mentioned about giving big thumbs up to Maria - he was sitting in the front row, middle section, rightmost seat.
3. The Japanese guy who gave flowers to Sora watched the show 3 times on that day. He / his Japanese friends have watched the show many times (I think more than me :) ) and I chatted with them and they said they are going to watch the shows many more times, specifically Sep 8 to Sep 10 to see the dancers off. (I will be there as well :) )

One point - I still like Haruki most (2nd dancer). Her eyes are killing a lot of people (I am one)

[ 本帖最後由 tux1 於 2008-9-1 21:46 編輯 ]
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發表於 2008-9-1 12:22:47 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 foreveralixa 於 2008-8-31 10:03 PM 發表
30/8 一行幾人(有男有女)到澳門一日遊,同其中一位朋友約好7:00pm到新葡京睇瑪莉亞。早左少少約6:30pm到達新葡京,由於我係喺信德明星買飛(HK$250),要去新葡京換番兩張入場券。點知畫位嗰時最正既F10已經比人畫左,惟有要左 ...

I think I know who you are :) Were you one of those in the group that was looking at the poster discussing about the dance after the show? (I was there on Sat and watched all 6 shows!)

All correct, except for the 2nd dancer (the one you mentioned about doing "tango" dance). I think she is actually pretty young. I think it is just her look being more, well "mature looking", that makes you think she is old. Her name is Haruki. And yes, I have be saying all along her eyes "can speak" and are killing people when she looks around the stage.

I have watched different shows since June, and also watched a couple of shows when I was in Japan. Up until now Haruki is the *** only *** dancer that not only dances well, but also uses her eyes to capture audience.

I am glad there are people now sharing the same thought as I have.

Big cheers on you my friend.

[ 本帖最後由 tux1 於 2008-9-1 12:26 編輯 ]
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發表於 2008-9-1 16:30:05 | 顯示全部樓層
thanks for report
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發表於 2008-9-1 21:42:22 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 tux1 於 2008-9-1 12:15 發表

I was there and can 100% verify what is said here.

1. Maria did her best in the dance. Some of the positions she has to make are not easy at all and she gave all she could. Deserve a big clap for h ...

Wah, C-Hing, You are so rich!!!
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發表於 2008-9-1 21:43:49 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 nokia 於 2008-9-1 09:42 PM 發表

Wah, C-Hing, You are so rich!!!

Well, I am using up a few months of my salary for this month's show. But, well, the show is really good I think it worths it.
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發表於 2008-9-2 15:27:48 | 顯示全部樓層
how long is the show?
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發表於 2008-9-2 15:29:32 | 顯示全部樓層
thanks for sharing
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發表於 2008-9-2 15:49:51 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 lfg123 於 2008-9-2 03:27 PM 發表
how long is the show?

The show is one hour each. Every day there is 6 run of the show:

3:00pm to 4:00pm
4:30pm to 5:30pm
7:00pm to 8:00pm
8:30pm to 9:30pm
10:00pm to 11:00pm
11:30pm to 12:30pm

Every show is the same.
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發表於 2008-9-2 17:30:08 | 顯示全部樓層
有時間係想去睇下 !
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發表於 2008-9-2 17:44:13 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 tux1 於 2008-9-1 12:15 發表
One point - I still like Haruki most (2nd dancer). Her eyes are killing a lot of people (I am one)

The 2nd one, you mean Harumi (はるみ), she was the most attractive one at the first part, her face and expression were both good... but her figure ...

not to mention that she's a 白虎 too.
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發表於 2008-9-2 18:02:59 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 amuro 於 2008-9-2 05:44 PM 發表

The 2nd one, you mean Harumi (はるみ), she was the most attractive one at the first part, her face and expression were both good... but her figure ...

not to mention that she's a 白虎 too. ...

I know what you are saying, but  I watched the show and ignore her figure after being killed by her seductive eyes :) I don't at all care about her figure.
(At least I think her figure is better than Haneda, whom I am a bit disappointed ....)
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 樓主| 發表於 2008-9-2 20:32:29 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #14 amuro 的帖子

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發表於 2008-9-3 08:45:10 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #17 foreveralixa 的帖子

I don't think it matters. If you like her, you like her.

(I like her very much, even more than Maria )
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發表於 2008-9-4 09:16:33 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2008-9-4 11:58:15 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 性慾强 於 2008-9-4 09:16 AM 發表
我星期二到新葡京睇咗瑪莉亞,我覺得佢唔係拍AV個果瑪莉亞,佢隻手點解有紋身?真人後生好多?所以,日後我會留意佢D新片,睇佢隻手有冇紋身。不過果場show咁dancer佢真係最靚的一個。 ...

Trust me - it is the same Maria Ozawa. I think the tattoo was done just before she came to Macau for the show.
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