發表於 2020-4-14 01:40:16
Fcukajap 發表於 2020-4-14 00:39 
lol I honestly think 「射賢」 is 型嘛
But maybe not 80歲版本.... 50歲版本 is more like it ...
A top rated HK male star, 50 – 60歲 is usually not old, but quite 型.
Since I have no particular interest in kau actresses or models, my role models are actually my god-like friends in real life, they have no looks, no money, no fame, just a bunch of obnoxious scoundrels, but no women on earth could resist them.
I always thought I was better than them, but then I am writing my final final piece now (before my deep dive) for HK forum, I have a chance to take a good look at myself, seeing traits of what I really made of…Perhaps I am not who I claimed to be, perhaps I have always been a bit like my friends, a scoundrel after all. Another realization that might change the course of my future games, again!