樓主: iloveitmac

為一個好服務的囡囡平反 D1 No.291

發表於 2008-8-20 00:33:10 | 顯示全部樓層





5) 唔係有iloveitmac 走出澄清成件事,我諗囡囡就比你老屈一世,而你就坐起屋企撩緊牙回味勉費Q(無賴)

6) 你比人踢爆成件事,仲起度死撐話人錯。(pm小鳩人,小人所為。)

[ 本帖最後由 幪面超人555 於 2008-8-20 00:45 編輯 ]
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發表於 2008-8-20 01:30:09 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2008-8-20 02:58:28 | 顯示全部樓層
唔好咁天真, 你係客又願意每星期送錢上門, 當然唔想得罪你. 至於背後講你咩就真係無人知.
正如唔係mac兄我地都唔知故事另一個版本, 又唔知有人講到幾有道理背後又pm插人.
囡囡都係搵兩餐辛苦錢, 呢度好多用自己錢去玩既兄弟都識得專重人專重囡囡. 如果你唔識既而家學都唔遲.
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發表於 2008-8-20 03:32:37 | 顯示全部樓層
契弟! 契弟! 契弟! 契弟!  should give him a lesson all c-hing!  this type of people deserve to be bitten up man!
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發表於 2008-8-20 12:07:04 | 顯示全部樓層
I think all of you so naive and idiot to believe what the CHICKEN says. They just want MONEY!!!! How can you all dickhead believe 100% what a WHORE got to say bout the photos + $500 fees. All of you are so kiddo. Why take this so personal. Is she your personal favourite? Girl friend? Wife? Come on brothers, she just SUCK your DICK to make a living. I would not even put 20% on what any of this WGs said. Please grow up and learn.

Somebody must be adding salt, vinegar and Monosodium glutamate, either bro Iloveitmac bullshitting or 291 gal herself (no disrespect, but for a senior brother like you, you shld be more open minded and What the Fcuk does it matter to you if the gals let u or kaka take photos or let kaka 2 fuck but let you 1 fuck only. You are so take this too personal!!).

IF c-hing kaka get a 2nd shot from #291 for less than $500 or if really do not pay the gals  and take photos of her without consent and post here, what does it matter to all of you? He is doing us a favor, showing us the real D1 girl. Else, do you think bro Iloveitmac will go and vist her. If in the first place KAKA did not report at all, do you think bro iloveitmac will go try #291??

Oh my God, cannot believe how stupid this thread is. Child stuff.
And Iloveitmac, Why only give +1 karma point for all your fans + supporter? What about giving Kaka for reporting about #291 for the benefit of all bros? Ain;t this childish?
Now I expect you give me negative - 20 points for not being you friends.

Guys, go fuck more girls, learn more, get more experience and GROW UP!!!!!

Kaka, I am with you on this, let's go Fuck #291 upside down!!!! We are customers, who the FUCK dare to say any shit to us!!!!!???? :fire: :fire:

I guess I will be BAN from posting, I can see that everytime any of you lose in a battle and unable to respond to any sarcasm or criticism, you will just BAN people away. We will see.......
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 樓主| 發表於 2008-8-20 12:19:38 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 ILOVEHK 於 2008-8-20 12:07 發表
I think all of you so naive and idiot to believe what the CHICKEN says. They just want MONEY!!!! How can you all dickhead believe 100% what a WHORE got to say bout the photos + $500 fees. All of you a ...

"I guess I will be BAN from posting, I can see that everytime any of you lose in a battle and unable to respond to any sarcasm or criticism, you will just BAN people away. We will see......."

我唔係版主, ban唔到人, 你攪清楚先la, 師兄

291 我係2kaka出report我已經試左la, 我唔駛睇佢先識去
要你做CD-rom 咁耐特登出黎插我辛苦晒

你講d野同2kaka差唔多, 英文又咁好, 一定好老友la (估下咋 )
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發表於 2008-8-20 12:27:13 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #107 iloveitmac 的帖子

Then good, no unnecessary kicking people away from this forum for telling the real fact.

I only know 2kaka by reputation la.

But I feel all of you are making him the culprit in this situation.

Why go crazy and mad and bellitle other c-hing like 2kaka b'cos of some Whore who told you the half truth or half lies. You actually believe it?? Poor chap.....
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 樓主| 發表於 2008-8-20 12:58:05 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 ILOVEHK 於 2008-8-20 12:27 發表
Then good, no unnecessary kicking people away from this forum for telling the real fact.

I only know 2kaka by reputation la.

But I feel all of you are making him the culprit in this situation.

Why ...

我唔理你"know 2kaka by reputation la"或點都好la

如果唔有人pm煩我, 你諗下law,
佢講d野合理, 大家咪support law.

你一向唔怕嘈交嘈輸. 只怕無道理
你認真睇睇插我多數新account, 呢d人有無道理呢?
你想玩, 我又奉陪
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發表於 2008-8-20 13:01:50 | 顯示全部樓層
there are few members at the english 141 site always post the number of girls at the Sauna especially in the Macau secton and sometime with the girl picture.
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 樓主| 發表於 2008-8-20 13:04:01 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 sawatdee 於 2008-8-20 01:30 發表

掛住同d cd-rom玩, 爭d唔記得我偶象tim

得la, sawatdee兄

只要無人回(no matter support me or not)
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發表於 2008-8-20 13:05:43 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 iloveitmac 於 2008-8-20 12:19 發表

"I guess I will be BAN from posting, I can see that everytime any of you lose in a battle and unable to respond to any sarcasm or criticism, you will just BAN people away. We will see......."

我唔係版主, ban唔到人, 你攪清楚先la, 師兄

291 我係2kaka出report我已經試左la, 我唔駛睇佢先識去
要你做CD-rom 咁耐特登出黎插我辛苦晒   

你講d野同2kaka差唔多, 英文又咁好, 一定好老友la (估下咋 )



因為...... 我唔係傻
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發表於 2008-8-20 13:39:28 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #109 iloveitmac 的帖子

Why you change topic ga la?

Become defensive than justifying your reason for shitting 2kaka and your ownself. Worse get shitted by that #291. Unbelievable la c-hing, you believe what the CHICKEN say.
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 樓主| 發表於 2008-8-20 14:10:53 | 顯示全部樓層
原帖由 ILOVEHK 於 2008-8-20 13:39 發表
Why you change topic ga la?

Become defensive than justifying your reason for shitting 2kaka and your ownself. Worse get shitted by that #291. Unbelievable la c-hing, you believe what the CHICKEN say. ...

我試過條囡囡一次, (2kaka report之前, 我亦在2kaka ge report 講過)
無問我拿tips, 服務做足, 師兄你睇番先
我講得ge, 我自己一定試過先

"Unbelievable la c-hing, you believe what the CHICKEN say. ... "
唔信chicklen, 就要信條雞蟲???
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發表於 2008-8-20 14:42:38 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #114 iloveitmac 的帖子

So what is all this?
Are you saying now you do not believe #291 and said you are half a cup of not full water? or you saying 2kaka half a cup full water?

The point is not who try the girl first, this is not a race. We are talking about why you do and discredit another C-hing b'cos of a C-hing.

Whether 2kaka pay her $500 or not or tips her lesser and whether she allow him to post her photos, IS NOT YOUR FRIGGIN business.

When 2kaka fuck her 2 times and take her photos of the boobs and though 2kaka did not or may bot pay her $500.........Was she ok with 2kaka? Did she complain to D1 manager? Did sh call all her beloved customers and complain about 2Kaka? Did she feel she was tipped off?.......nobody knows la........everything from her words and her mouth, she can say whatever she want. Oh......if you do asked her "how much to fuck you 2 times in 90 mins" of course (even idiots) will say , "pay me $500 for 2nd shot". They just want to earn as much as possible from you!!! When you say, all my friend 2kaka, did not pay you $500 wor, then why I need to pay you $500? and also he take your photos and post on the forum. Now, who will not say something different in this instance. Of cos she will try defend herself to earn your $500 and said 2kaka is full of shit.....but this was and may not be the case when 2kaka was with her..........

Who is right , who is wrong? who is liar ? who is not? Well, I do not fucking care and neither other bros because #291 can say whatever she want, you can write any bullshit you want about 2kaka or the gal, 2kaka can defend anything he want.

But the point is WHO IS THE BUSY BODY GUY WHO TELL #291 ABOUT 2KAKA regarding $500 and HER PHOTOS?  YOU LA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remember, we are all players and punters, please be reminded that we also have our code of honors, that is secrecy and discreet.

WTF, we are like chicken duck talking. You do not understand what I am saying and I do not know if you understand what I am saying.  
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發表於 2008-8-20 15:36:20 | 顯示全部樓層
Seems like you are the one who cares so much about this, bro ILOVEHK or should I say bro 2kaka?
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發表於 2008-8-20 16:52:54 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #116 ric 的帖子

Just want to let all the  c-hings to see clearly what is happening.

I do care wor.

Me not kaka la. kaka will not pretend to be another person to post all this. He is brave enough and not that chicken to post with another username.
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發表於 2008-8-20 17:32:21 | 顯示全部樓層
捨撚得收皮未呀? 4/8 後應己大事化小, 大家再追其他 post 再去討論下其他事情, 如新政策既影响, 各大場最近乜環境等....點知兩星期後又抄返出黎嘈, 婆婆妈妈咁, 會有結果咩? 睇回覆同支持度跟本就一面倒...要 grow up 就 let go 拉, 唔好浪費大家睇 post D 時間...或請移玉步, 知唔知有個嘈交區?

P.S. sorry 唔覺英文好播, tense 同文法亂晒籠, 又多 chin-english
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發表於 2008-8-20 21:30:01 | 顯示全部樓層
以我去打令 D1的經驗, 囡囡從來唔會強索tips , 服務更是一流
我最喜歡玩沖涼哥 PART

末黑囡囡   ,影衰四台兄弟!!!! 支持( 大食Q皇+珠江三角洲大淫俠 , mac哥)大平反 :up:

[ 本帖最後由 神洲任我行 於 2008-8-20 21:34 編輯 ]
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發表於 2008-8-21 00:09:57 | 顯示全部樓層

回覆 #118 hkiceman88 的帖子


you see what I mean. Everytime a bro support or agree with bro ilovemac  (his die hard fans), bro ilovemac will give this guy +1 point.

Since now is Olympic, why not give them a MEDAL!!!
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發表於 2008-8-21 09:54:05 | 顯示全部樓層
恩.。我二星期以前都去過 D1 meet no.291, 我有問她有沒怪客
,她說的跟 MAC 兄說的差不多。。so 我比較相信 MAC 兄。。

女女說的是真話是假,衹有她們才知道,強索 tips 一般在 D1 都不會發生的。。

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