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[柬埔寨] 金邊和吴哥遊 LOL

發表於 2018-1-21 13:22:50 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 去到邊玩到邊 於 2018-1-21 17:12 編輯


Day One, 深圳飛金邊,機票比较便宜。150刀来回,下飛機直接落地签 30刀+5刀照片,不知道那里可以坐車去 NAGA casino, 直接坐的。 15刀。原來想用EXNET TAXI, 不過不知道那裡上車,也忘记買locate電話號碼。。。(去金邊直接落地簽就好了,大約30分钟到一小時,記得買locate電話卡,我用美國的片不给力,如果去naga casino, 他们有專車大巴,但要等,訂它酒店的時候可以自己看時間,過關没問拿小费)

Naga 有分1和 2的 KTV, 不同bluiding, 我跟朋友是直接先去2的, 不過沒有留下,直接走人,女女一般,分柬,越,中,過夜400起跳,中国最贵最豬扒,800刀那個媽咪也有膽叫,沒底消,直接去1那个KTV場。(Naga 2 裝修不錯,不過我們10點多到,一个房都沒见人開)

Naga 1 KTV,  我們玩了2天,消费跟深圳皇岗差不多,装修比深圳差,低消200刀,女女,女女坐台 16+30刀,柬埔寨150和200過夜,越南300過夜,中国沒問,也不用問,皇崗的場女女完勝還便宜。(如果只想玩女女,真的不用去金邊。媽咪説, 我們也可以直接給70刀給房錢,女女錢一樣,可以直接帶回去玩。我們第二天原本想給70直接走人,我带2條女走150和200,媽咪最后説喝一点,第二天出来KTV房也给了146刀,第一天216刀)

KTV 1 的女女,我第一天带走的,樣子可以,身材不成,手腳的皮肤不成、不过後背的皮肤和petpet抱着真的舒服。
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Day 2, 那二個沒照片,不過有個20歲非常機車150刀,一个24歲服務就很不錯200刀,所以G運真得很重要,也可以給20小费给妈咪,我给了,那個24就是媽咪説可以的。Go there around 8:00pm, the manager told me that’s the best time to go.

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我原本也想去CASA Hotel, 不过朋友説是HiGh 場,所以没有去,不过如果是我自己一个我會進去看看,聽説消费比 Naga 低一些, 有KTV 場,在4或5樓是 pick up bar. Pick up bar 可以買6 can beer and pick up the girls, 越南妹的主場150到200過夜。I didn’t go, All is from my friend information.

補充內容 (2018-1-21 16:20):
全文到10樓,Thanks for reading. 我要升元老,谢谢。


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 樓主| 發表於 2018-1-21 13:23:14 | 顯示全部樓層

Malis Restaurant

本帖最後由 去到邊玩到邊 於 2018-1-21 16:47 編輯

我朋友是吃貨,對食物衛生很很看重,我們差不多天天Malis, 80刀到120 for 2 people for one meat. 7F9FB822-20A4-4DDF-AB94-5852DD47B460.jpeg D3346D2A-2DFB-4F2E-98C6-4F184CDB5D70.jpeg 4FF8BA52-29DC-4509-B5DE-123EEE49A23E.jpeg C22F4355-BDC6-43D4-A922-7995DC7147B7.jpeg E5784242-E8B8-4119-BAED-D2BDB84B7F19.jpeg

I try couple restaurants inside the casino, over price and the tastes are not good, (50usd per person) so we just come back and eat in Malis most of the time. If everyone know every good restaurants, please let us know.
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-1-21 13:23:31 | 顯示全部樓層


本帖最後由 去到邊玩到邊 於 2018-1-21 16:48 編輯

原本想去的,好像10,11am 點開,10刀房錢,女女叫30刀到100刀柬和越,40到60有交易,3點到5點下午多女女。 78C02B6A-D8BD-4066-90FB-06E89A02A02C.jpeg 77E1BD48-B5F7-4CAC-A302-CCCAED0591E1.jpeg
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-1-21 13:23:49 | 顯示全部樓層

Day 3 吳哥遊

本帖最後由 去到邊玩到邊 於 2018-1-21 16:59 編輯

直接飛吴哥,因为我們只有2個人,4個人可以直接包車,100到200刀,4小時,從金邊到吳哥。我們下飛機,我們包了一台SUV 車玩3天二晚連司机。200刀,小費給了120刀因为晚上的時間,每天多了4,5個小时,

他带我們去挑女孩。女孩很有girl friend feel, 他们那邊喜欢中国人。不过我們玩得不便宜。女孩是直接KTV挑的300刀包天。我們也可以從Locat bar挑,100包天,不過不一定有好貨。所以值不值得真看人。我挑那個是Mix,我朋友就挑了柬的(朋友説那個女孩毒龍也幫他弄了)

有個gf feel 的女孩陪玩,錢真的事小,我可能带她去泰国玩,所以就不開照片了。
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KTV 的消费跟金邊差不多。Contact information is also on the bill. We just stay there for 2 hours or less. D3594803-7731-4D89-953E-779376A7263B.jpeg
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-1-21 13:24:05 | 顯示全部樓層


本帖最後由 去到邊玩到邊 於 2018-1-21 14:18 編輯

大吴哥 E8AE95D8-5D11-40FD-92FA-8BE43EEE1548.jpeg

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 樓主| 發表於 2018-1-21 13:24:22 | 顯示全部樓層

吳哥新年PuB Street

本帖最後由 去到邊玩到邊 於 2018-1-21 17:01 編輯


Party on the new year night so make sure that you well know before you book because each person could cost 100 to 200 extra per person. The hotel that I booked, I ask before that they don’t need me to join the party, they try to said we also need to join, but I told them that I make sure that I don’t need to join before I book. It is like 100 per night for the hotel cost, it has joiner fee for 30 dollars, but I by pass it the second day. I did pay the first day. The hotel is pretty OK.

Didn’t try to pick up girl from the pub street, our driver told us that the girls there is very old, just pick up from the locate bar which is much cheaper and better, the ktv that we went consider the best over there. But I still thinking that we get to pay the high price, but again, as long as we are happy, we are ok with the price because we pay the same or ever more in China.

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The firework for the New Years 2018 in my hotel
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-1-21 13:24:57 | 顯示全部樓層

Day 5 Going back to PP and Darling Darling Club

本帖最後由 去到邊玩到邊 於 2018-1-21 17:17 編輯

Went to try out the Vietnamese girl from naga ktv one which is introduced by the mamason, however, she said that they don’t Come to work at the new year, they like to stay home. High quality, I would say worth the 300 over night plus 70 on the agent commission, and if you have more then one person, the commission could be share around all people.

Anyway, I will like to bring out Darling Darling Club. Very good place to pick up girls. You can buy 2 can or maybe 6 can beers (5 dollars per can) and pick up the girls that you want. I read some post saying that 100usd 2q and 200 overnight. However, when I ask the girl, they all say 150 per q and 250 per night. I guess it is seafood price, you need to talk with her and make her agree with your price. The quality of the girls seen better then the KTV. I would say if the pictures on the mamas phone is real, then the price is ok for paying 300usd for the KTV girls.

Anyway, if we would have know this place early, we wouldn’t Go to the ktv. 30usd for the drink and 200 to 250 over night for the girls. By the way, make sure that you discuss with girl on the price before hand. I ask two girls to sit with me and I think after 30 min, I ask one to leave, she said that I need to pay her 50usd. I was thinking to give her 10 and has she leave the table. Anyway, you learn on your way you go.

By the way, make sure that you order can beer instead of bottle, I think their beer bottle is False beer, I was not able to do very well on bed because my stomach is feeling very bad.

女孩可以,乖,樣子也不錯, 200刀到5:00am, I was in the club around 10:00pm, I think the best time to go is around 8:00pm, I will come here at 7:00pm the next time I visit, lol, but I don’y Know if they open or not. Honestly speaking, I think the girls that’s sitting on the next table are better. Lol

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 樓主| 發表於 2018-1-21 13:25:16 | 顯示全部樓層

WeChat Girls

Girls ask for 100 to 150usd per 2q, all ask for your hotels info and they will come to you, real or not, I don’t know, good luck. I did ask for the video call, but many of the time, you can’t see it clearly.

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 樓主| 發表於 2018-1-21 13:25:32 | 顯示全部樓層

Naga Casino Hotel

本帖最後由 去到邊玩到邊 於 2018-1-21 15:11 編輯

Naga casino 1 的房间大,110一天,包了早餐,早餐不錯

Naga casino 2 的房间小,不过有镜子90刀一天,早餐不错
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One good things about this casino is that my friend was not feeling very well, maybe party too hard or the foods, they allow you to see the doctor for free and free medicine as well.

I like the breakfast, same as the one that I have in China, five star standard.
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-1-21 13:25:48 | 顯示全部樓層


本帖最後由 去到邊玩到邊 於 2018-1-21 17:15 編輯

If I never been to Cambodia before, I will come to travel for one time, but for fun with girls, Thailand is sure have better quality and the price. The food is also much better as well, you get more options and cleaner and cheaper.

The only differences that I would say is that you have a girls to accompany when you do gamble which is similar to Macao, but much cheaper in term of price. 200 to 250 over night, starting from 8, 9pm.

Me and my friend together spend around 10K to 12KUSD for 6 to 7 days and honestly speaking, we don’t know where the money go. LOL

Most of the girls here have pretty good service that I need to give them, same as Thailand.

But anyway, it is a fun trip, by the way, watch out when they give you the money back, a lot of false money in here, specially when you do clubbing, I get 4 20 bills false when I leave the country.
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發表於 2018-1-21 14:37:57 | 顯示全部樓層
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-1-21 15:44:15 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 去到邊玩到邊 於 2018-1-22 03:03 編輯

回復 ongobeau ##11 的帖子

I heard that if you go to local bar or locate KTV, and spend two to three times visitings, many girls can go out with you for 80 to 100 per night. The drinking cost should be around 50 to 100 or less for 2 people.
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發表於 2018-1-22 02:47:01 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 去到邊玩到邊 ##10 的帖子

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 樓主| 發表於 2018-1-22 04:51:29 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 Fedora339 ##13 的帖子

Don’t know if we should come back or not, it seen that Thailand is way better in all ways. Lol
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發表於 2018-1-22 20:28:24 | 顯示全部樓層
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發表於 2018-1-23 08:42:23 | 顯示全部樓層
I don't understand the word 刀,does it mean 10 thousand in simplified Chinese? Normally how much for those ladies cost if they stay with you for overnight
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發表於 2018-1-23 11:07:36 | 顯示全部樓層

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 樓主| 發表於 2018-1-23 14:09:40 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 Kingofactor ##16 的帖子

刀 = 美元
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 樓主| 發表於 2018-1-23 14:10:28 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 法蘭西多士 ##17 的帖子

Depend on where you go.
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發表於 2018-1-25 01:15:02 | 顯示全部樓層
回復 去到邊玩到邊 ##1 的帖子

Darling Darling Club@naga嗎?
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