本帖最後由 byrocks 於 2017-5-3 15:27 編輯
小弟只是將最大路簡單嘅資料寫出來分享下,可能對新手有少許幫助。包括左最近D包膠誴合成以下資料, 亦包括一些好似比較受歡迎的店⋯。 正所謂各花入各眼,carrot青菜,各有所愛。不喜勿插,多多見諒。
- 白天可以冲日式: pp 站, club 102, 大手叮,mitu(they offer nuru), paradise(有位勁淫女叫jinny 好多師兄推介丿,addict,angel etc. 建議週圍𥄫下,睇下有乜女好食. Generally 2000 几到3000 幾左右吧。
- 冲泰式涼,去hh站,冇左nataree,唯有去emanuelle,hi class, poiseidon, alaina,lord 碰運氣. 我諗會去 埋victoria secret 搵女!呢啲價錢差距好大,軟硬件都是不一樣,豐檢由人,由2000幾至model 級的10000 都有
- 夜晚,agogo bar. Nana plaza 可以去rainbow 1-4, spanky. TS 可以去straps. LB 可以去obsession, cascades, temptation. Cowboy 就去bacara, sharks, crazy horse. LB 就cockatoo. Generally drinks大約百几兩百左右。bar fine(500-1000) + Short time(2500-3500) or long time(4000-6000)
- 蛇美,thermae cafe, 10pm to 2am ,好多女聚在呢道一起比你任㨂。買杯飲料任睇唔嬲,唔洗barfine 自己negotiate. 地點自己google , basement near soi 15. LB possible outside or near stairs or backdoor. ST 2500-3000, LT 4000-5000?
- night club. 好似唔識泰文嘅最大路係去Pimp and kush. 好多人出過包膠,消費一定不低,女質素都較高
- disco, greatest for after 2am late hunting. Mixx, scratch dog, insanity. 好多女搵食
- 想食鬼妹或中東妹, rajah hotel near nana?
- agogo bar near walking street. Happy, sensation and bacara most popular.
- agogobar near LK, 啱鬼佬口味多,好似ninja 呢間maybe suitable for asian
- soi 6/7/8. Beer bar. 多數鬼佬味十足好似都會有意外驚喜。
- Soapy massage: Very few choices, Rasuputin, Honey Massage 2, Sabai Dee. Good luck my friend.
- hollywood disco. 好多女搵食,揀客情况有,多韓仔架仔爭食
- 沙灘路企街,自己執生!Super cheap and negotiate, 睜大眼睛望淸楚先,有雞有鵝架!
最後,wechat 搵女高危,跌錢多!book hotel 自己google guest friendly hotels, 免過路費,同埋set to 2 guests。
補充內容 (2017-5-4 08:23):
想食鬼妹或中東妹: Instead of Rajah hotel, try Royal Garden for Eastern European, and Grace Hotel for middle eastern girls
補充內容 (2017-5-4 08:25):
If you need to boost it up, try 林興泰西藥房: 泰版威而鋼 Sidegra 50mgx4 100b. 世界藥局(across from Nana): Sidegra 100mg x 4 = 300
補充內容 (2017-5-4 08:33):
Street girls in Pattaya beach road, going rate is 600-1500b, avg is 1000b for ST. Note that LB are not allowed on the beach side, for LB, they are on the other side of beach road(non beach side).
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