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發表於 2017-3-25 02:54:25
本帖最後由 bkkgal 於 2017-3-25 03:08 編輯
austinpower 發表於 2017-3-24 22:49 
簡單講,係叫雞綱站而唔系按摩院。網中地址係囡囡活動的時鐘酒店,而唔係按摩院。如果識越文,系唔錯的選擇 ...
I been recommend kynu few yrs back, kynu was absolutely a web to contact lady.
However recently some spa already advertise in kynu, if u dont wish to go hotel you can go to spa directly, of cuz spa shop is a short time shop not really massage and spa. Shop name of spa can be found in kynu too.
Yes district 10 is high risk due to very popular in local vietnamese to hunt young and tall student, police may keep patrolling at red light district 10. But other district is quite safe. I personally never try district 10.
Some girls willing to go for overnight, you can find in "service" column. If you really wish to find long time, simply choose below vnd 400k lady, higher chance. $$ is king, definitely u will get long time from kynu, and the rate much cheaper than district 1 and 5 ktv. |