之前跟《Star Wars》包埋嘅幾隻PS2遊戲,半公開咗用PS4模擬玩PS2遊戲嘅計劃。而啱啱吉田修平就喺歐美官方Blog寫咗段嘢,仲有條「PS2 Games on PS4」片睇。第一波遊戲會有8隻,包括《Dark Cloud》、《Grand Theft Auto III》、《Grand Theft Auto: Vice City》、《Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas》、《Rogue Galaxy》、《The Mark of Kri》、《Twisted Metal: Black》、《War of the Monsters》。而呢啲遊戲就可以令玩家體驗到1080p畫面,仲有Remote Play、Live Broadcast、Share Play、Activity Feeds等PS4功能。不過,呢幾隻PS2遊戲暫時只會喺歐美推出,港日就未見。
Dark Cloud — $14.99
Grand Theft Auto III — $14.99
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City — $14.99
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas — $14.99
Rogue Galaxy — $14.99
The Mark of Kri — $14.99
Twisted Metal: Black — $9.99
War of the Monsters — $9.99
Poor that Sony don't allow PS2 Disc to put inside PS4
They should sell cheaper, otherwise people will not buy that one PS2 game at $1xx
And HK Sony should have this asap.
It's too expensive. But if can release back some PS2 japanese games, like super robot wars, cyber formula, mosou 4, Gundam seed....I may think of it. Computer PS2X vs PS4 on TV is still some sort of different feeling.