One of my wife's niece is working as sales for 雲南白藥集團, so I got a free sample.
It's made from 普洱茶, so technically it's not a cigeratte? still not dared to smoke in airport and on the plane though...
and it's really doesn't taste like tobacco at all. I personally think it's more like a cigar, with a taste of 普洱...
weired as it sounds, actually not bad for an occasion, should go well with a cup of expresso or full red wine, I think
can't remember if there's 12 or 13餅, but probably the only reason I go there.
bought from one of the family friend, who took the trouble to visit the tea farm himself and instructed how to make what he wants. he also makes some himslef but the price is a bit too much for me...
why don't I buy more? if you ask this question, you must be single and never even dated....
the main reason is the toxin...
I also agree with non-smoking zone (or smoking zone) totally.
I chose to intoxicate myself, but that doesn't give me right to intoxicate others.
all cigars and cigerattes, incl. electronic ones all emites toxins...