
【影片演員】:Mathieu Carrière, Jane Birkin, Christine Kaufmann, Kristina Van Eyck, Karina Fallenstein
【影片介紹】:“埃貢·席勒過剩和處罰”是一個基于奧地利藝術家埃貢·席勒的生活1980年的電影。它擔任主角馬修卡裏爾作爲席勒與Jane Birkin的爲他的藝術家的缪斯沃利和恭考夫曼作爲他的妻子伊迪絲和克裏斯蒂娜凡艾克她的妹妹。這部電影基本上是迷戀和性,酒精和失控的情緒,其成分的描述。第一次世界大戰期間設置在奧地利,席勒被描繪成社會變革導致毀滅那些他所熱愛的代理人,並最終自己。分數由Brian Eno的。
Egon Schiele Exzess und Bestrafung (Egon Schiele Excess and Punishment) is a 1980 film based on the life of the Austrian artist Egon Schiele. It stars Mathieu Carriere as Schiele with Jane Birkin as his artist muse Wally and Christine Kaufman as his wife Edith and Christina Van Eyck as her sister. The film is essentially a depiction of obsession and its constituents of sex, alcohol and uncontrolled emotions. Set in Austria during the Great War, Schiele is depicted as the agent of social change leading to destruction of those he loves and ultimately of himself. Score by Brian Eno.
