Title: Nurse Girl Dorm: Sticky Fingers
Original title: Kango joshiry?: Ijiwaru na yubi
Runtime: 1 hour 4 minutes
Country: Japan
Language: Japanese
Subtitles: English (.embeded)
Genre: Comedy| Pinchu
Director: Yoshihiro Kawasaki
Jun Izumi ... Yuki Inoue
Chiaki Kitahara ... Mayumi Matsuo
Yukari Takeshita ... Noriko End?
Plot / Synopsis
A group of sexy young nurses who work at a local hospital live in dormitory housing provided by the hospital. The hospital also provides the dorm's supervisor, a strict older nurse who runs the dorm with an iron fist. The nurses have to find "creative" ways to sneak their boyfriends into their rooms for some steamy sex sessions.