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發表於 2014-9-24 01:11:13
本帖最後由 beckham3 於 2014-9-23 11:12 編輯
到魯營球場購物回來, 才發覺官方網頁是www.fcbarcelonia.cat! 為何不是印上國際化的.com或者是代表西班牙的.es?
.cat就是加泰羅尼亞, 但加泰羅尼亞不是一個國家, 又怎會有頂級網域?
在巴塞隆拿中文官網, 有以下一段: (from http://sports.qq.com/a/20120329/000672.htm)
在巴塞隆拿英文官網, 其說話更直接:
FC Barcelona is “more than a club” in Catalonia because it is the sports club that most represents the country and is also one of its greatest ambassadors.
試翻譯: 巴塞隆拿球會俱樂部價值: 在加泰羅尼亞, 巴塞隆拿球會"不止球會咁簡單", 因為這體育會最能代表國家, 並為最捧的親善大使.
值得留意在網頁顯示的地圖, 並非西班牙地圖, 是加泰羅尼亞地圖啊
接著, 網頁細訴巴塞隆拿球會的血淚史: (from http://www.fcbarcelona.com/club/detail/card/fc-barcelona-the-members-club)
……For many years, this commitment specifically referred to Catalan society, which for many decades of the 20th century lived under dictatorships that persecuted its language and culture. Under these circumstances, Barça always supported Catalan sentiments, and the defense of its own language and culture. ……
It was also in this era that in 1918 the club adhered to a petition for a statute of autonomy for Catalonia, which was being demanded from all sectors of the catalanista movement.
The club’s orientation led to reprisals from the Spanish authorities and it was closed down for six months under the Primo de Rivera dictatorship. During the Second Spanish Republic, the club intensified its message of implication with Catalonia’s own culture and institutions. President Josep Sunyol led this process using the slogan “sport and citizen ship”, the purpose being to imply sports in the country’s social and cultural affairs. Sunyol, who was also a member of parliament, was shot dead early in the Spanish Civil War in 1936; and from then on, the club came to be an icon of the defence of the Republic, as shown by the tour of Mexico and the United States in 1937. When the Civil War ended, General Franco’s dictatorship sought to destroy the club’s social significance.
……Outside of Catalonia, in many parts of Spain, Barça also became symbolic of democracy and anti-centralism. …..
有點長篇, 且是英文. 還是看看Wiki.org怎麼說:
.....西班牙內戰爆發後,因為皇家馬德里是極權獨裁者法朗西斯科·佛朗哥最喜愛的足球隊而得到他的後台支持,由於佛朗哥是一位追崇西班牙國家主義的領袖,所以得到反對派及左翼所支持,這時佛朗哥下令將取消加泰羅尼亞自治區而且全國禁用加泰羅尼亞語,忠於加泰羅尼亞民族主義的巴塞隆納因而受到佛朗哥獨裁政權的政治壓迫,不幸的是當時的巴塞隆納會長約瑟普·索諾爾(Josep Sunyol)更被佛朗哥下令槍斃,這也為巴塞隆納和皇家馬德里未來進一步對立埋下了伏筆。50年代,兩隊為了爭奪迪史提芬奴(Alfredo di Stéfano)爭持多個月,起初巴塞隆納已經成功與迪史提芬奴簽約,更為球隊參與過3場友誼賽,但得到皇室及政府龐大支持以至與政府有密切關係的皇家馬德里間接令政府阻止巴塞隆納收購,最後皇家馬德里成功從對手中搶得迪史提芬奴,其後因為他的帶領而連續五年奪得歐冠盃。
自古以來, 加泰羅尼亞地區都有其獨有語言文化, 巴塞隆拿球會一直以來都是以加泰羅尼亞支持者自居;
當西班牙有一個民主開放的政府時, 巴塞才能盡情展示她加泰羅尼亞大使角色;
但當西班牙由極權者統治時, 都會探中央集權方式, 所有地區性文化及力量都會遭到打壓. 巴塞自然成為打壓對象.
上文中提及的巴塞會長Sunyol遭大獨裁者佛朗哥將軍鎗弊一事, 就是發生於西班內戰之始. Sunyol除了是巴塞會長, 也是一名加泰羅尼亞政客, 遭佛軍擒獲鎗弊.
而皇家馬德里是代表首都馬德里的球會, 為佛朗哥將軍支持, 以對抗巴塞, 故有迪史提芬奴爭奪戰事件.
所以, 但凡皇馬與巴塞之戰, 都不單止是足球打比戰咁簡單, 仲戴著馬德里中央與加泰羅尼亞地方文化之爭.