為什麼要將號角裝在單體背面 (也就是箱體裡面)呢?原因很簡單, Westminster Royal SE的頻寬可以下沈到 18Hz (-6dB),如果要讓號角低音再生 那麼低的頻率,它的號角開口勢必大得 嚇人,真這樣做,Westminster Royal SE 的外型肯定看起來像怪胎。如果將號角 折疊起來藏在箱體內,這樣它的外型看 起來就會是正常典雅的漂亮喇叭,不是 嗎?
Westminster Royal SE 就是這麼一對 採用一支壓縮式高音加上前號角,以及一支15吋錐盆中、低音加上背載折疊 式號角的二音路揦叭。而且,這對二音 路號角喇叭還設計成同軸式,即使到今 天,都還沒有第二家能做出這種同軸號 角喇叭( Avantgarde Solo雖然也是同軸 設計,但沒有箱體,又採用主動式,這是完全不同的設計)。您説,這到底是老 科技還是新科技?
高頻段的光澤與甜美找回來了,興 奮的聽過幾張CD之後,我發現,與高頻 段的開放甜美相較,低頻段量感的不足 感覺相對的變得更強烈了。更正確的説 法應該是:如果低頻段的量感能夠跟高 頻段取得平衡,這樣就完美了。可是, Westminster Royal SE 能夠做到高、中、 低頻段量感的平衡嗎?沒有理由做不 到,問題應該是出自搭配的擴大機以及 喇叭擺位,還有空間。如果這個空間能 夠再吸收一些高頻段;如果喇叭擺位能 夠嘗試離後牆約40公分;如果能夠找來適當的60瓦甚至100瓦左右的真空管擴大機,我相信 Westminster Royal SE 一定能夠發出讓我著迷的聲音。
I recently bypassed and replaced the stock crossovers of my Tannoy Westminster Royal SE loudspeakers with the absolutely amazing Duelund CAST external crossovers developed during the Duelund-WRSE Project that I have been chronicling on my personal blog here, and which I will be writing a full feature article about in the coming months for Positive Feedback Online—stay tuned!
I'm using the Sablon Audio Panatela component speaker cables supported with Acoustic Revive RCI-3 Cable Insulators. I am also using a full set of Panatela component speaker cables as the internal wiring for my WRSEs as part of the Duelund-WRSE Project. The Panatelas are connected directly to the Dual Concentric drivers inside the Westminsters, then routed down and out through the cabinets to connect directly to the Duelund CAST external crossovers. This approach eliminates all of the sonically degrading internal connections within the Westminsters, providing an ultra-pure and uninterrupted Panatela signal path direct from the Duelund CAST external crossover to the WRSE's Dual Concentric driver. That combined with the aforementioned Panatela component speaker cable set from the amplifiers to the Duelund external crossover makes for a complete Panatela signal path from amplifier to the Dual Concentric driver.