以聲音走向來說,NS800並不是追求精確、高解析力的類型,而是走柔美、溫暖、舒適的方向。譬如聽Carol Kidd的「Auld Lang Syne」專輯,「Over The Rainbow」用簡單的尼龍吉他分解和弦開始,吉他的音符顆粒有著共鳴的厚度,對應Carol Kidd迷人的嗓音,NS800聽起來輕輕柔柔的,唇齒音的細節您也不會錯過,但是NS800卻不會刻意強化這些細節,而是更著重在中頻段的刻畫。有人說:「美麗的中頻才是音樂的靈魂!」看來NS800的設計者確實懂得箇中三昧。
在諸多音樂類型聽下來,我覺得NS800拿來聽人聲特別有味。像是Fairfield Four的「I couldn't hear nobody pray」,四個老黑唱起人聲無伴奏,NS800呈現出有溫度的人聲,溫暖而不失細節,四重唱此起彼落,頗為有趣。聽Barbara Burkle的「What A Difference A Day Makes」,爵士鼓與鋼琴的前奏,飽滿又有彈性,低頻不刻意強化量感,而是呈現愉快躍動的音樂表情,Barbara Burkle的嗓音在NS800上面聽來,則更顯甜潤的魅力。聽「悲慘世界」電影版, 安海瑟薇唱「I Dream A Dream」,安海瑟薇的歌聲顯得很近,用耳道式的NS800來聽,這種近距離收音之後再混音的效果,更為明顯,難怪原廠為NS800掛上Monitor的名號。
The NS800 is one of the most compact and exclusive in-ear headphones in the world. A high-fidelity headset with the most revealing sound in an incredibly small stainless steel housing.
The Micro-Armature speaker is designed to deliver a well-balanced and superior sound quality. The NS800 provides precise and detailed acoustics throughout the entire sonic spectrum, backed by a natural bass, revealing the most amazing details. The sound is natural, warm and precise, with solid vocals and well-adjusted highs and lows, made for high demanding music lovers!
頻率響應:20Hz – 20kHz
靈敏度:106.6 dB