發表於 2014-5-4 08:35:43
macmak99 發表於 2014-5-4 08:24 
因為見佢唔係一個機械開關式可變電阻 係拑下拑下去切換
用我地做電子嘅常識 哩種係好睇唔好用
Exactly, however, it doesn't change the impedance of the circuits anyway. 好睇唔好用 could be true. Even used 機械開關式可變電阻, still possible to degrade quality. . The current/voltage drop across the device could be quite high, not a good idea. Also, depends on resistance/impedance of such device too.
補充內容 (2014-5-4 08:38):
The switch they used could be connected to a resistor or resistor network (hope no coils or caps, or it is bad might cause oscillation). Anything that deal with LRC (or tank) circuits is bad idea to me in audio, which could create unexpected results. |