基本上,BS314的技術及規格與BS312大同小異,所以基本資料不多重覆 。 唯一一點我想講的是,大家以後見到 ELAC 的 Jet 或 ADAM 的 Art ,不應稱呼它們為「鋁帶高音」,因為它雖然是一塊纖維表面貼上鋁質膜面,再接皺成細面積,以通過電流讓震膜震動空氣,將摺縫之間的空氣擠出發聲,然而查證下,這種高音實為 Oscar Heil 博士於七十年代提出的理論而延伸出來的產品,因此正確應稱為「氣動式」高音,英文可稱為「Emitter」高音。
If I live in HK (small homes avg.), I would seriously considering this BS 314. It is expensive, but maybe worth it. Deep enclosure that enriched bass response. Unique design of bass driver, plus air motion transformer and standard 2.7Khz cross-over. Pretty safe bet for smaller homes. Wonder what is discounted price is in HK?
We were doing the samething when I was doing computer distribution in HK. We service authorize reseller's clients only. However, we basically didn't care nor we checked since we can claim money from manufacture as long as there was a proof of purchase.
電腦淫 Yes, been in computer business for over 30 years since graduated from college. From distribution to service, even had a computer shop before... Just a job lol...unlike hi fi.