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發表於 2014-4-17 06:10:38
本帖最後由 雜食小子 於 2014-4-17 05:30 編輯
在L-590AX的平衡差動放大器身上,ODNF Ver. 3.0A取得更高訊噪比,更強的音樂還原能力,再配合純A放大先天的線性與流暢,這一役,Luxman的確取得聽得出的佳績。為確保取得30瓦(8Ω )優質純A功率,每聲道採用三對穩定又線性的功率管,作平衡推挽播式放大。
背後再以度身訂造的高線性/大容量EI牛,以及四枚10000μF音響專用電容支援。為求充份利用放大器的強大電流及功率,為免訊號通道出現樽頸,尤其遇上低阻抗喇叭時的高需索,特別引入特高電流量的繼電器,以保持訊號通道暢通。就連主電路板亦換上更闊(440mm),銅跡更流暢光滑的全新貨色,進一步 確保訊號通道暢通無阻。
Pure Copper Cabling
Extensive listening was applied to the high purity, oxygen free copper (OFC) cables which are used to transmit the signal throughout the amplifier. These cables have a minimal audible signature and minimal electrical effect on the audio waveform. Linear wide bandwidth frequency response is achieved by the low measured values of both inductance and capacitance. The result, the cables do not color the sound, but pass it through, quickly.
Pure Class A
Thanks to the always-on nature of the topology and the removal of an entire type of distortion, allied to sound that excels in a midrange liquidity, low-level detail, superb dynamics and transparency, its devotees are more than happy to put up with low efficiency and heat. What Class A always seems to offer above everything else is a tube-like sound without the maintenance hassle of tubes.
Volume Control
The integrated amplifiers also benefit from the C1000f in that they use a variation of the LECUA 1000 volume control. At any single volume setting only a few resistors are in circuit per channel. The less devices in the signal path, the purer the sound, the cleaner the music.
At low listening levels, potentiometers have trouble keeping both channels in balance, so one channel might easily be 3dB louder than the other. With the volume control made of discrete parts, this is no longer an issue.
初聽之,或有多少聲似慢;續聽之,就知道係訊息量高“多嘢聽”!中高超靚!好一把動人的純A之聲。中至中低都有力,規矩中見生動亦壯,音場攤得開闊,層次通清明朗!交響曲中羣絃強音合奏不單只音色覯,能量/質感皆綿密,更實實在在營造出一陣掃過來之勢!聽Mercury版 Starker玩德伏札克大提協,大提蒼勁中見精細變化,更透出 生猛火氣,最重要是不似某些純A機般,以固定音染裝飾/修飾,令應有的火氣/生氣大減。亦無太強調細節分析,變成流於匠氣。從Gala Stradivarius Concert Recorded Highlights 名琴錄音中,再聘見L-590AX既一本正經亦華麗的一面,主奏的提琴矯捷、生猛、神氣,背後的大/低羣絃伴奏立體、實在,前後透視感佳。四季之春--充滿生機,喜悅!夏--緩和下來再發力衝刺!秋一輕爽舒暢繼而轉入瀟煞的深秋!入冬 一沉重中見恬靜美態! Hilary Hahn艾爾加小提協,延綿的琴音,流暢,毫無數碼生硬感之餘,更似帶黑膠味。動態對 比相細而幅度大,應有的參差感與粗糙戚都有提供,有柔亦 有剛的定音鼓見立體氣勢。
讓Messiah SACD中的人聲重現出生猛、自然,在 (Track 4) And The Glory of the Lord之中,男女混唱,生動無倫。 (Track 5) Thus saith the Lord的男低音Matthew Brook歌聲圓渾厚壯。大合唱則無論男女聲的發音或咬字都自在、像真、立體極佳。The music—VOICES,(Track 3) Christy Baron的Got To Get You Into My Life,不單有韻味,簡直見騒味的女聲重播,和味冧人而毫不累贅,厚潤中仍見生鮮感的靚女聲。Blue Coast Collection (Track 3) Lilianna中的尼龍線結他,不停地滲出許多好味細節,流暢而連貢中載有許多許多的細絮弱音變化。在At the Movies 之中,(Track 11) A Whole New World,聽到色士風奏出,Donna Summer唱出一個宽宏壯腱的聳音畫面。播出蔡琴的機遇,初時確有聲似慢的懷疑,續聽之,其實係訊息量大,細節多,能量密度高,最終就是一種情感悠悠滲透至滿瀉的感覺。至於我必試的綱琴,從Martha Argerich的 Shostakovich第一鋼協重播之中,我聽到表面流麗潤澤,背後滿載暗勁的琴音,透出一陣陣將人吸住的張力。
普遍認為選用合倂機係妥協,退而求次的選擇,在下無 意去論斷道睇法究竟存在多少謬誤?又誤導了多少發燒友! 只就L-590AX這個案而論,如消費上限就是五萬多,我必揀 一台整器高水平的合倂機,覿聲如L-590AX的合倂機!決不 會盲目追求同價消費的前、後級。前者是高級的合併機,後者大多僅是入門前、後級,故後者才是妥協!講求實際,追求音響質素,音樂重播水平者當揀前者。其實,對於最終用 家,管他是純A不純A,放大過程亦根本不重要,只要知道 L-590AX這五萬多消費划得過,足以換來高水準的人聲、提琴、銅管、結他、鋼琴重播,和味、動人、人情味、音樂張力兼而有之,還有其他需要知道嗎?
建議售價:HK$57,800 |