First forgive me saying things straight out.. The reviewers made some obvious mistakes:
6支ELNA濾波電容(每支1 萬PF)---->He missed by six zeros. Pico is 10 to the neg 12 power, should have been 10,000 uF.
輸入級的模組式放大器同樣以一個方形金屬小盒子密封著屏蔽,廠方說Power One是以平衡式設計,零綜合負回輸放大------->It is an op amp inside, just a gain amplifier.
我猜每組Sanken對裝功率管是分別為「正」訊號放大器及「負」訊號放大器---->This is a review, you don't was telling readers this is a Class B amp and it is not. This is a true Class AB design.
零綜合負回輸放大----->What is that? Something don't make sense.
輸出功率是200W (8Q) x 2, 4Q負荷時輸出可提升接近一倍----->It is not Q, lol...It is ohms.
20負荷輸出再可提升接近一倍------>That is not 20. It is two ohms.
There must be more that I have not caught yet . This review is a test of our (at least mine) wisdom/intelligence. Not enough info to convince us it is a good product or not..
Just my 2 cent, no offense to anyone.....PEACE !
Eqpally 發表於 2014-4-4 09:07
First forgive me saying things straight out.. The reviewers made some obvious mistakes:
6支ELNA ...
Its balanced design, no parallel output devices and zero global feedback, gives a musical performance rarely heard in solid-state designs. This is achieved without compromising full resolution, dynamics and extreme power handling.
Do not be fooled by its small size, the Power ONE is a very powerful amplifier and it will drivepretty much anything in even in large listeningrooms.
It outputs minimum 200Wpc (RMS) in 8 ohm and close to doubles in 4 and 2 ohm.
I was having so much fun at the music channel and had to withdrew myself from there when the review was out... Met a couple of folks really in to pops. Chinese, English , Japanese and even French...hehe..I held my own at least...was fun....