發表於 2014-3-31 12:02:42
本帖最後由 Eqpally 於 2014-3-31 12:43 編輯
graffiti 發表於 2014-3-31 11:41 
$19500! so expensive with regard to its tiny size.
the new LS3/5a is only half this price.
It's per ...
It is rather confusing to answer this question. There are many versions of LS3 /5a. BBC, Rogers, Chartwell, Spendor, Stirling and Harbeth, maybe more which I don't even know. I personal can't really answer that, but this little speakers has slightly better specs and not so odd impedance. It does look good to me. I am not particularly crazy about the LS 3/5A, in fact...I like them but I never care for them. When it comes to price of LS 3/5A most of them cost between 2000 to 3000 USD. I guess it depends on the version. All of them are over priced including the P3ESR to me, just my two cents.
This Harbeth P3ESR is sold for $2,095 USD a pair, not bad at all compare to license LS 3/5A
補充內容 (2014-3-31 12:27):
Add KEF and Goodmans to the LS 3/5A list..lol.. |