Masterpiece? Personally, I am not sure about it. It is a lot better if this amp were two mono blocks or at least build it as a dual mono amp. This is not, but still a true class A power amp. 60 watt/channel is a lot of power/heat and heat dissipation is a problem without forced air/water cooling. I doubt if this amp would work at extreme conditions for 24 hours.. This would generate more heat than the 300 watt Onix amp just reviewed here. My old 25 watt class A amp below and it was very hot !
點解買英國貨? Get a second hand Hegel a lot better, Scandinavian sound. Cheaper than this Class A amp by far. Carrot sound drives me nuts.. I would even take the Pas lab or Bryston (not that I like them ) over 英國貨 or Nippon 貨. I like Class A not not crazy about it...big electricity bill, you know..
auraheart 發表於 2014-3-27 06:47
WoW! It is no kidding. This is how a true Class A amp supposed to look. Claimed ones never build ...
44.3 kg is not heavy, just right weight for a 60 watts Class A amp.
I consider it very heavy already! nearly 100lbs.
My previous power amp Krell KSA 200 (200 watt/ch) weighs only 120lb. Now 60 watts 100lb woh.