發表於 2014-3-23 15:11:21
sunnykitty1 發表於 2014-3-22 22:00 
回復 khle #14 的帖子
养开D缸,新买返的蓝魔蛋 依家系尾同旗有白点 似发霉
蓝魔蛋 usually very strong. If the white spot won't get more for next few days, just wait. Don't do anything stupid.
When the fish purchased at the store have had a large amount of stress. They have left their happy home, been transported to a new environment, then you buy them, transport them again and put them in another new environment, all within usually a matter of a few days. That may weaken the fish you bought, then those white spot will show. Remember if your fishes are strong, they won't have white spot or sick.
If those white spot won't go after few days. You may have to try move to medic tank and use copper treatment. |