發表於 2014-3-19 02:39:09
本帖最後由 auraheart 於 2014-3-19 07:33 編輯
pokerusa 發表於 2014-3-18 22:25 
I wouldn't say it is cheap. It is just a board without the case. Bad sounding or not, we don't really know but I look at what is given to make a presumption. Without a case and power supply of course not as good but the difference could be inaudible because the power consumption is very low (maybe less power needed than adding a good sound card to a PC). The DAC chip has reasonabe specs and I checked out this DAC chip VS WM8741 and read what other said about it on the U.S. forum, not bad. Say with both two fine DAC chips for example, implementation actually out-weights the minor difference in specs. In this case, Swedish engineering has an edge. Price/performance should be excellent, it is Swedish..hehe. Might cost double or triple with the case...haha.. It is not cheap, this not so complicated board alone cost about $1,000 USD, more than the Audiolab Q-DAC just reviewed here. |