由於L-505UX的聲底屬清爽又中低起勁型,故匹配喇叭也不太難,只要並非無甚脂肪的全金屬或爽脆的全陶瓷單元喇叭就是。今回我透過法國JMR的Bliss Silver來了解 L-505UX的表現,甚見成效,高音暸亮而不吵,中音清朗有神而多細節,中低至低音收放反應自如兼有勁,整體表現出一把相當精神,起勁而年青的聲音。在ALR Jordan-Voices裡,Rebecca Pidgeon那Auld Lang Syne / Bring It On Your Home To Me的一段獨白中,充份顯出L-505uX的細節感相當了得,抑揚頓挫的變化細緻又傳神,仿如我身處演出現場, Rebecca Pidgeon就在面前,透過麥克風,再夾雜多少環境聲響之下,營造出強烈臨場感。歌唱部份的粗樸自然,感覺相當入心。左手邊響起的色士風有質有置,嘹亮而不吵耳, 臨場實感進一步推演。
Blue Coast Collection的《Looking For A Home》,二部合唱部份,主音與和音之間,結像上清晰區分主音在中前,和音在右後的方位與層次,主次分明,亦將兩人聲線上的高低軟硬,立體地呈現。 附金屬共鳴器的Dobro結他,從L-505UX出來冷亮而不薄且動感十足,跟相對地暖潤的木腔/鋼線結他形成鮮明的對比。 在《Lilianna》上,L-505uX亦還原了歌者的粗樸粗獷味,伴奏的尼龍線結他,爽快中不失韌勁。播出Helene Grimaud的 《拉赫曼尼洛夫第二鋼琴奏鳴曲》,毫無疑問,從演譯的動 態,從低音鍵的爽勁,到高音鍵的鏗鏘,在在顯出L-505UX 確帶著年青人的衝勁加爽快,鋼琴音的流轉與起落,在婉延與跌宕之間,確帶點如過山車的剌激感覺!
Kinda expensive and old fashion looks. I notice that old fashion looks luxmans are expensive and weight a lot more. More modern looking ones are cheap and light weight. Almost 4,000 USD..ouch! I like old fashion looks. Not a duo mono design but four separate circuit boards eliminate cross talk and noise, and much better than all parts on a single board. MM/MC phone jacks are big plus. One the back got all the analog connections I am familiar with. May worth to audit if price is discount-able. Good weight for a current model.
Me either, it is ok for pops and light music..hehe...I wouldn't buy it..lol..lotta Americans like Lux. Ones think they know about hi fi lol...Sansui, pioneer, Onkyo, Denon...all same same to me..... . Still like American the best..less money per watt than European..
Don't AB much anymore, but still go live shows...nah..carrot machines NMCOT. Not much live classical anymore, but live bands play every night, just 3 blocks away from where I live. I know some employees there too after so many years. Very inexpensive and meet girls there too, lol... Hey, sometimes after a couple of drinks and went up to stage and sing a few songs. It is very enjoyable and sometimes people buy me drinks after I sing.. and girls come to talk to me occasionally ...feels great.