Pedestrians and drivers were amazed last week as magician Dynamo appeared to hover above them, holding on to a London bus. The magician and illusionist is famous for making such audacious stunts, and this one was very well appreciated but puzzling.
This trick was carried out in three stages: and edited to join.
Stage 1: Dynamo levitates up and hooks himself to the bus (Special frame which is his fake arm) his right arm is tucked back and the fake arm brace is made with silicon which wraps round his right shoulder and is connected to the trunk brace). This is done away from public sight.
Stage 2: Bus is driven in he city to gather the spectators etc.
Stage 3: away from public eye, dynamo is crane lowered. therefore you see no people when he levitates up or comes down.
Frame time 35-36 : Look at elbow on Dynamo, He was born with unusual carrying angle which is more evident as his sleeve is back. Compare it to frame 38-41, frame 46-48, frame 109-110,Frame 119-122 and frame 125 where the carrying angle suddenly diminishes.
Note position of hand in frame 40-41, 53,54 109-110,121-122 and compare it to when dynamo starts to descend in frame 142. Only the hand in frame 142 is moved to little backward as this was staged away from public and edited together later.
The mechanism used is similar to he one used to perform matrix lean (can be bought on internet). Its custom made to dynamo's body along with the fake, But they couldn't fake the carrying angle as they thought they can hide it with the sleeves of the shirt. This trick can't be done without these three stages.