發表於 2014-2-26 02:51:57
本帖最後由 auraheart 於 2014-2-26 05:44 編輯
柒喜 發表於 2014-2-25 21:13 
Soft ...
Power Drive is not a protection circuit, it gives a little extra juice form the power supply for momentary peaks, but it is not as good as a full time, larger power supply. It is a good cost saving feature. I believe that Hitachi took it a step farther by having Class G amps and Soundcraftsman had it's Class H amps...maybe based on such idea or maybe a coincidence. Well, I don't know...none said they learned from NAD. Soft clipping is some kinda current limiter instead of switching on/off...it works linearly. It wasn't a revolutionary invention. Working theory was there all along. It is a protection circuit, any protection circuit will degrade the sound quality, one way or the other (I don't even like a fuse). Just happened some people liked the sound of it specially for the money. Wonder how many of those reviewers actually used them as main system. Maybe true at the time, a lot of users thought they get more than they paid for. Just leave the chassis construction aside (NAD never had fancy cases), NADs are light weight..hehe. Nervertheless, NAD never got popular as the major Japanese makers in the lower end market (I still remember how over build some of those Pioneer and Sansui are, middle of the line and up, too bad don't happen today lol...). I agree those are good features, and compromise effectively lower the cost of manufacturing amps for average users. I never liked NAD, never spend time to study it. So, what I said could be wrong to most. Just my 2 cents, no offense.
補充內容 (2014-2-26 04:48):
Simplest way to explain the class G & H:
Class "H" was an attempt to adjust the power supply voltage by a continous dynamic regulation instead of switching to set higher voltage rail as in class G, class G also required another set of outputs. Class G has an amplification of 207 degrees compare to class A/B's 270, a more efficient design. An example of a good idea implemented badly, or because it was Japanese idea..I wouldn't know. It was brilliant that focused on both power supply and out put stage, my humble opinion. (more complicated than NAD's) Ending was just like Sony's VFET (VFET, RET, EBT), dead..lol..All Japanese first class innovations were dead, some for no reasons..hehe. Can non-Japanese designers adapt their technology and use them in their own design that fits the "taste" of their groups? LOL...! |