EM-ESL的靜電展風採用了Martin Logan獨家的CLS (Curvelinear Line Source)弧形線音源技術,因此能於較闊的聆聰範囡內取得良好的高頻擴散特性。前、後雙極式發音可減少側邊方向的輸出,從而減少不良的側牆反射聲,令聲音更通透及音像有更強烈的立體感。再者,向背牆發射的反相聲音能藉著揚聲器後面的背牆的反射,拓展音場的深闊感。用家必須留意,背牆不宜放罝大幅吸音物料(如厚簾),這會令聲音沉悶和缺乏生氣,也不宜用100%反射聲音的玻璃,最適宜使用硬度適中的材料。
Martin Logan的工程師特別為EM-ESL研製出一隻直徑8吋的長衝程發燒級紙盆低音單元,裝罝在一個低音反射式聲箱面板上,低音反射出氣口設於箱底,能輸出高音壓低頻與準確響應高至500Hz。質輕而硬的紙盆瞬變響應極快,失真極低,能完全匹配Martin Logan獲獎無數的靜電屏風特性。 EM-ESL採用ML獨家研發的Vojtko分音網絡,讓靜電屏風與8吋低音單元在500Hz的銜接完美無縫,所用的發燒級元件包括有空氣芯線圈,低DCR鋼芯電感器,Polyester薄膜電容(串聯)及低DF電解質電容(並聯)。隨播聲器附送的兩隻小型電子牛,輸出電壓為15V,以非常安全的低電壓供電至EM-ESL內部的升壓放大器。不設電源開關掣,當接上電子牛後,低音聲箱上的藍色指示燈便會亮著o
For what they cost..sounds like a super deal. I got to go to listen carefully someday soon. It cross-over at 500hz with a single 8 in woofer. Of course, it is not goona be deep, powerful enough but a lot better than nothing. It is ok to have it as standalone unit for a while and add a sub later or for a small living room, it can get by for most of the everyday listeners.
"EM-ESL個低頻係唔夠快和緊密" is expected without a sub. Not much we can get outta tiny 8 in woofer. Looking at some newer floor-standing speakers with tiny woofer vs their specs...I shook my head..Law of physics, you know..hehe Anyway 500hz cross-over is not a good frequency for a single 8 in woofer..it is more or less for a pair of 8 in or single 12 in. I bet with a good sub say cross-over at 100hz or so...the speaker system will be alive.. Better be a good European sub with 100 watts R.M.S. of AB amp or a bit more that hopefully cost less then $3,000 USD, not a cheesy American one claimed to have 3000 watts....
A lot of factors. I always say gotta listen at least a few times with different combinations of gear and recording, preferably some that we are familiar with. I am not that impressed with it's look...too skinny, kinda dumb. Panel speakers usually look good and classy,not this pair. I love its selling price...
屏風有咩功效用...should ask 李嘉誠!
hehe...just like a speaker, instead of a cone driver...it's a panel. Usually sweet mid-range, lack of bass but nice sounding overall....expensive.