發表於 2014-2-15 05:57:16
本帖最後由 auraheart 於 2014-2-15 07:14 編輯
pokerusa 發表於 2014-2-14 23:45 
這玩的人多嗎?? 對音質特別要求的師兄應該會有興趣吧~~
Lotta folks use super tweeters, but when it come to electrostatic..almost none existed. The more popular ones are ribbons, maybe Heil Transformers, (some considered that electrostatic, but it is like a hybrid) some horns when it comes to standalone add on. The odd ones would be Piezo super tweeters, but that still should out number the electrostatics. Some 4 way speakers got super tweeter build in, with about the same cross-over freq. as the add-on ones. Some are good, some are not good as in everything else..
A 15 inch, 4 way speaker system with build-in super tweeter: (Designed by Bart Locanthi, who designed the JBL 375 driver and the L100 Century/4311, the most popular speakers to its date)
Build-in super tweeter