本帖最後由 jgyjgw 於 2014-2-12 03:26 編輯
Your Chance of getting out alive
In case you’re flying, know the safest place to sit in case of a plane crash.
Passengers sitting in the aisle seats near the front of an airliner and within five rows of the emergency exit are more likely to survive a crash or a fire, new research claims. The discovery was made after an exhaustive study of 105 accidents including personal accounts from almost 2,000 survivors of how they managed to escape from crash landings and on-board fires.
Predictably the safest seats are in the emergency exit rows themselves with those afforded the quickest exit being in the aisle seats.
But it also discovered that sitting at the front of the aircraft had a 65 per cent chance of survival during a fire compared with 58 per cent for other passengers.
http://slorker.com/your-chance-o ... ring-a-plane-crash/ |