我的"初戀" When I was at late 16 or early 17 and learned about Hi Fi for almost 3 years. I have never purchased a complete system from one manufacture in my life. I only owned one receiver, 1 integrated amp. Rest are all Basic amp/pre amp kinda thing. 我的"初戀" sounded pretty good, it is not garbage..Good German turn table, nice Jap tape deck, powerful receiver and those speakers sound good for the money. They were designed by a group of JBL engineers who left JBL and join Pioneer for the money...This is supposed to be the improved version of JBL L110A. I sold the entire system for Hi End gears before high school was over.
Receiver Sansui 8080DB - 85 Watts/Channel
Turn Table Dual CS 704 (Direct Drive) with Shure V15 III
Tape Deck Nakamichi 600
Speakers Pioneer HPM 100
HPM 100
補充內容 (2014-2-9 11:39):
Now I know when Mr. 7up started stereo. I was selling those professionally, around 1979 to 1981. I wouldn't miss much.
No pictures availableback to 1969)
Pioneer SX440
Lenco L75 with Shure M3D
Ampex 850 2 ways speakers.
Really nice sounds especially with the new FM stereo in HK.
補充內容 (2017-3-23 22:53):
A big 'Thank you' to the editor to supply the photos.
This is a re-visit in 2017 after posting in 2014.